Why Your Content Marketing Team Needs a Marketing Technologist - CMI | The MarTech Digest | Scoop.it


Managing a large content marketing team at scale, implementing more sophisticated content-driven experiences, and inventing novel ways to break through the noise are all aspects of content marketing that can be aided by technology.


The chief technologist role is an example of a new kind of hybrid professional known as a marketing technologist. Marketing technologists can be either tech-savvy marketers or marketing-savvy IT people. They can be either self-taught power users and hackers or formally trained computer scientists and IT managers. But they share an intuitive appreciation for how software works and are passionate about applying that knowledge in the service of brilliant marketing and remarkable customer experiences.


• As marketing departments turn into full-blown publishing units, they require new processes and systems to scale efficiently.

• Marketing technologists can help with orchestrating the delivery and tracking of content marketing programs through marketing automation platforms and more personalized customer experience management website platforms.



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