Marketing Cloud contender AgilOne enables marketers to predict lifetime value across channels - VentureBeat | The MarTech Digest |
AgilOne, a vendor competing with the likes of Salesforce, Adobe, and Oracle in the Marketing Cloud space, is announcing several new features. Most interesting of these is the capability to predict future customer lifetime value (LTV) across channels.

Predictive capabilities are getting hotter in both the B2B and B2C worlds, as vendors compete to meet the need for better personalization and targeting capabilities. However, many vendors rely on data from a single channel to accomplish this, whereas AgilOne uses data from across channels. AgilOne is able to make predictions based on a broader dataset that includes both on- and off-line data.

The company says this process of “supervised learning” starts with over 100 primary variables from across channels, including orders in the past 100 days, recent email open rate, click ratio, and average order value. Using statistical analysis, customers can then be segmented in many ways, including by predicted LTV (pLTV).

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