Customer Experience Matrix: Brightfunnel Gives B2B Marketers Self-Service Revenue Attribution | The MarTech Digest |
Brightfunnel reads lead, account, and opportunity data from and supplies missing connections based on things like company name. Since can also capture lead source (i.e., original marketing program), Brightfunnel can build a complete chain linking marketing programs to leads to accounts to opportunities. The system also has connectors to bring in data from Oracle Eloqua and Marketo, marketing automation, which will often include marketing programs and leads that never made it into Salesforce. But Brightfunnel says that most clients work with Salesforc data alone.

Making connections is certainly important, but Brightfunnel also provides tools to use the resulting information. Marketers can analyze results by marketing program, time period, customer segment, or other variables. They can compare performance over time, compare specific programs against an average, and see top campaigns by lead source. Because the imported opportunity data includes sales stage, reports can also track movement through the sales funnel, calculating conversion rates and velocity (time to move from one stage to the next). The system can use this to forecast the value and timing of future sales from deals currently in the pipeline.

What about that third level of attribution, splitting revenue from a single sale among different marketing programs? Brightfunnel offers two varieties of multitouch attribution: one where credit is shared evenly among all programs that touched a lead, and one where credit is split according to a fixed formula of 40% to the first touch, 20% to middle touches, and 40% to the final touch. Brightfunnel can also show first-touch and last-touch attribution, which attribute all revenue to the first or last touch, respectively.

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