Demand orchestration is the next frontier for demand marketing - FierceCMO | The MarTech Digest |
Most marketers focused on driving demand are already leveraging solutions like marketing automation and CRM technology, but connecting the data sources and figuring out what tactics are generating traffic and leads that fuel these systems can be a big challenge due to inefficiencies at the top of the funnel.

Demand orchestration, or centralizing the management of sources, data and processes used to discover and identify prospects, is the next step for marketers who have all of the necessary tech solutions and strategies in place, but are in need of a more cohesive image of how their demand gen strategy is working.

Demand orchestration applies process automation, systems integration, program execution and data governance to efficiently generate leads, feed pipeline and create customers. That means centralizing the management of inbound and outbound lead sources to coordinate everything and target and reach the right prospects through segmentation, personalization, account-based marketing and predictive marketing.