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What advertisers should know about the Facebook and Google probes | AdAge

What advertisers should know about the Facebook and Google probes | AdAge | The MarTech Digest |
New privacy protections could actually be a hindrance to competition, according to Adam Solomon, CMO of Lotame, a marketing technology platform. Facebook—and Google under similar pressures—could wind up controlling all the data connections to consumers, with publishers and marketers on the outside looking in. “It’s actually concentrating power and market leverage within the walled garden, because they have certain advantages, direct relations with consumers,” Solomon said. “With the latest wave, with the DOJ and FTC looking at Google, Facebook and others, maybe they can look at leveling the playing field.”

“The ads platform business of Google is a central focus of investigation,” said an executive from an ad tech platform that is a rival to Google, speaking on condition of anonymity. The executive says that a number of competitors already expect to talk with federal regulators in this case, addressing how Google Marketing Platform and Google Ad Manager dominate the online marketplace. “It’s a huge advantage to having this full stack,” the exec says. “The ad-serving platform and the ad demand are all locked up in one company. Then add search data to it, it’s a perfect cocktail.”
Joemktg's insight:

The probes are meaningless without legislation, and right now there's little appetite for legislation on the federal level. State level? That's a different matter.


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A Change to the News Feed - Facebook Posting from Mark Zuckerberg

"The research shows that when we use social media to connect with people we care about, it can be good for our well-being. We can feel more connected and less lonely, and that correlates with long term measures of happiness and health. On the other hand, passively reading articles or watching videos -- even if they're entertaining or informative -- may not be as good.


Based on this, we're making a major change to how we build Facebook. I'm changing the goal I give our product teams from focusing on helping you find relevant content to helping you have more meaningful social interactions.


We started making changes in this direction last year, but it will take months for this new focus to make its way through all our products. The first changes you'll see will be in News Feed, where you can expect to see more from your friends, family and groups."

Joemktg's insight:

A Change to the News Feed - Facebook Posting from Mark Zuckerberg


It's a change for the better for the user, not so much for the marketer. Give it time.


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Digital Marketing Trend Prediction for 2018: Give Up on Facebook - Inc.

Digital Marketing Trend Prediction for 2018: Give Up on Facebook - Inc. | The MarTech Digest |
Go spend 10 minutes on the platform and see for yourself. Count how many times you scroll past someone trying to sell you something. It won't take long for you to realize that your brand or message (no matter how much you want to believe that you're "different") will get lost in the sauce. You'll just be another video ad, asking bored, glazed-over consumers to take action.

They're not going to. 

I have always believed that one of the best ways to find which platforms are best for marketing yourself and/or your company is to approach the platform without a budget. 

A lot of people would disagree with me. 

But when you approach marketing with zero budget, it forces you to get creative. It demands that you understand every single element of the platform you're working with, so that you can get the most out of it you possibly can. 
Joemktg's insight:

Digital Marketing Trend Prediction for 2018: Give Up on Facebook - Inc.


As I tell absolutely everyone: TEST!!! Your results WILL vary.


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5 Facebook Ad Hacks I Wish I Had Known Before I Lost Tens of Thousands of Dollars - CrazyEgg

5 Facebook Ad Hacks I Wish I Had Known Before I Lost Tens of Thousands of Dollars - CrazyEgg | The MarTech Digest |
1. Find Niche Fanatics

2. Target Engaged Fans

3. Make Data-Driven Decisions

4. Rotate and Refresh

5. Combine Influencer Marketing and Retargeting
Joemktg's insight:

5 Facebook Ad Hacks I Wish I Had Known Before I Lost Tens of Thousands of Dollars - CrazyEgg


If it's a part of your social advertising mix, then this FB post is a must-read.


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How to Use the Facebook Creator App - Social Media Examiner

How to Use the Facebook Creator App - Social Media Examiner | The MarTech Digest |
#1: Install the Facebook Creator Mobile App
#2: Use the Live Creative Kit to Brand Reusable Video Assets
#3: Apply Brand Assets to Your Facebook Live Broadcast in Creator
#4: Explore Enhanced Video Insights
#5: Crosspost Your Finished Live Video to Twitter and Instagram
Joemktg's insight:

How to Use the Facebook Creator App - Social Media Examiner


As usual, Social Media Examiner provides step-by-step guidance.


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How to Target Specialized Audiences With Facebook Ads - Social Media Examiner

How to Target Specialized Audiences With Facebook Ads - Social Media Examiner | The MarTech Digest |
#1: Create a Saved Audience of Your Ideal Customer Demographics
#2: Set Up a Saved Audience of Hyper-Local Users
#3: Create Custom Audiences From Your Email List
#4: Remarket to Visitors Who Take Specific Actions on
Your Website
#5: Reconnect With People Who Engaged With Your Business on Facebook and/or Instagram
#6: Define Lookalike Audiences to Reach New People Who Are Most Likely to Convert
Joemktg's insight:

"How to Target Specialized Audiences With Facebook Ads - Social Media Examiner"


This is one of the most complete blueprints on using FB advertising. Excellent!


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The Facebook Algorithm Explained for Marketers - Social Media Examiner

The Facebook Algorithm Explained for Marketers - Social Media Examiner | The MarTech Digest |
The algorithm has to determine how much power a particular post has. The number-one factor is engagement. If the algorithm sees lots of people engaging with your post, then the algorithm shows the post to more people. Your post gets some initial reach in the first few seconds. Maybe 1% of your fans or friends see it. If that engagement is high, more people will see the post.

The number-two factor is the content. If other people are interested in the content of your post, it gets a bit of a bump.

The third factor is the K factor: whether certain information is hot right now. You might want to know that a friend just checked in at a coffee shop a block away. That’s more important than something that happened two days ago.
Joemktg's insight:

Conversely, crapola is not rewarded.


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How to 3X AdWords Conversion Rates Without Touching AdWords | WordStream

How to 3X AdWords Conversion Rates Without Touching AdWords | WordStream | The MarTech Digest |
Here’s what was different: During the time period in question, the company ran Facebook ad campaigns targeting higher-funnel audiences corresponding to people who have the same interests and demographics as their buyer persona. The audience size was approximately 20 million people.

The Facebook ads generated clicks and conversions as you would expect from any pay-per-click advertising campaign.

But I believe the campaigns had an additional halo effect of creating a strong brand bias among the people who clicked through to the site, which profoundly impacted the Remarketing lists for search ads campaigns, since they only target people who have previously visited your site.
Joemktg's insight:

Absolutely fascinating, and worthy of testing!


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3 Facebook Ad Tools for Better Targeting - Social Media Examiner

3 Facebook Ad Tools for Better Targeting - Social Media Examiner | The MarTech Digest |
#1: Reveal the Employers and Quality of Leads Who Click Your Facebook Ads

Leadfeeder links up with your website data to show you two key things that Facebook Analytics don’t. First, after people click through from your Facebook ads, Leadfeeder can show you the companies where those people work.

#2: Analyze Facebook User Behavior on Landing Pages

To measure scroll depth, you can use Crazy Egg’s scroll-depth measurement tool. Crazy Egg offers a free 30-day trial and plans start at $9 per month. Alternatively, build scroll-depth tracking into your Google Analytics if you have some coding experience.

#3: Determine the Most Lucrative Facebook Customer Segment

To figure out Customer Lifetime Value with Salesforce, first use Zapier to integrate your Facebook lead ads with Salesforce. (Zapier offers a free version for personal use, as well as paid plans.) With this integration, Salesforce automatically updates with any lead information captured on Facebook.
Joemktg's insight:

I use Leadfeeder, and as most tracking apps, it gives you the company. It's then on you to identify contacts within the company and then reach out individually.


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After Spending $44K on Facebook Ads, Here's How I Manage A Low CPA and 10x ROAS - Nic M Rayce

After Spending $44K on Facebook Ads, Here's How I Manage A Low CPA and 10x ROAS - Nic M Rayce | The MarTech Digest |
Facebook Ad Guide – Tip #1: Before Creating Your Targeting Settings, Create Customer Personas That Have Proven Sales Track Records

Facebook Ad Guide – Tip #2: Ensure You’re Not Targeting Too Broad Or Too Niche, What’s The Sweet Spot To Get You The Best CPA?

Facebook Ad Guide – Tip #3: If You’re On A Tight Budget, Run Remarketing Ads Rather Than Focusing On Acquisition Ads

Facebook Ad Guide – Tip #4: Do Not Ever Give Up On Testing New Segments On Facebook Ads!

Facebook Ad Guide – Tip #5: Setup Automated Rules To Switch Off Failing Campaigns

Facebook Ad Guide – Tip #6: Set Automated Rules To Combat Ad Fatigue

Facebook Ad Guide – Tip #7: Make It A Habit To Check Your Pixel Daily
Joemktg's insight:

A few disclaimers are included in the post.


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How to Create the Ultimate Facebook Business Page | WordStream

How to Create the Ultimate Facebook Business Page | WordStream | The MarTech Digest |
Pages are one of the most important online properties that you can plant your flag on. They’re a necessary tool for businesses operating in the 21st century. They also have a boatload of moving parts, which is a nice way of saying that creating a business page can be a major pain in the ass.

See all those red squares? Some would call them headaches: I’ll call them opportunities.

Today, we’re going to tackle the challenge of making a great Facebook page for your small business.
Joemktg's insight:

It's an excellent step-by-step plan to building out your FB business page.


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Imran Alam's curator insight, March 4, 2018 2:53 PM

A Facebook Business Page is much needed these days to mark the online presence of a company or brand.

A facebook page not only hleps you to advertsie product and promote discount but also help you to connect with your customers,

If you want to create a facebook page and build huge followers you must read this guide,Thank you

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Facebook Messenger chatbots follow HubSpot Motion AI acquisition - TechTarget

Facebook Messenger chatbots follow HubSpot Motion AI acquisition - TechTarget | The MarTech Digest |
Two types of bots will be used most of the time, said HubSpot CMO Kipp Bodnar in a presentation outlining the coming integration. One, a utility bot, will help do recurring tasks, such as research, like Facebook's GIPHY bot that suggests animated GIFs to go with messages and posts; the other, transactional bots, expire when a transaction is complete, such as a package tracker rendered irrelevant once an order is delivered.

This starts with Facebook Messenger chatbots because that's where everyone is, he explained, and because the integration is tight.
Joemktg's insight:

It's dawned on me that we may now have the killer app that may convert communication over from email to messaging: chatbots (or bots in general).


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How to Get Verified on Facebook: A Step-by-Step Guide - Hootsuite

How to Get Verified on Facebook: A Step-by-Step Guide - Hootsuite | The MarTech Digest |
4 tips to help you get verified on Facebook

1. Keep it professional

2. Make sure your company information is up to date

3. Link to official properties

The right links are important if you want to get verified on Facebook. In order for Facebook to approve your verification request, you must have an up to date link to your business’ official website. You must also link back to your Facebook Page from your website

4. Provide details

The more details you can provide about your business, the better. Make sure you’ve filled out all applicable details in your business Page’s About section. These details include:

Address or addresses (if you have multiple locations)
Phone numbers
Your mission statement
Your other social channel handles
A company overview
Joemktg's insight:

If you have a strong FB program, you'll want to get this done.


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How Facebook ads are different from AdWords | Smart Insights

How Facebook ads are different from AdWords | Smart Insights | The MarTech Digest |
The key difference between AdWords and Facebook is the way you target your audience. AdWords is a paid search platform, meaning that you bid on specific keywords, such as ‘organic pet food’, which then trigger your ads to appear above the search results when a user performs a Google search that includes that keyword.

Facebook advertising, on the other hand, is a form of paid social, whereby you target your audience using demographic data (e.g. women aged 29 and over) and user behaviour (e.g. liking certain pages, such as ‘Healthy Pets’). When a user meets these criteria, your ads will appear in their newsfeeds.

The fact that targeting methods differ so much between the two platforms tells us a lot about the way they are used. Put simply, AdWords is a way for you to reach out to new customers, while Facebook allows new customers to find your business.
Joemktg's insight:

FB's targeting features are more in line with a B2B marketer's segmentation.


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Facebook's Algorithm: 3 Must-Know Changes - Marketo

Facebook's Algorithm: 3 Must-Know Changes - Marketo | The MarTech Digest |
1. Messenger Ads are now Available Worldwide
2. See Powerful New Ad Metrics and Page Insights
3. Newsfeed Prioritizes Fast-Loading Web Pages
Joemktg's insight:

Please click through for the details.


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The Best Facebook Analytics Tools of 2017 - TrackMaven

The Best Facebook Analytics Tools of 2017 - TrackMaven | The MarTech Digest |
The Best Facebook Analytics Tools





Scoreboard Social





Plumlytics Social

Joemktg's insight:

A comprehensive list. As B2B continues to make the strong move to FB, pick one from this list.


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Three New Facebook Ad Features to Boost Your ROI - MarketingProfs

Three New Facebook Ad Features to Boost Your ROI - MarketingProfs | The MarTech Digest |
1. Split-Testing

Split-testing is just the same as A/B testing. Facebook tests your campaigns on the basis of the parameters you select. It also allows testing three variations, like A/B/C testing; however, you can test only one variable at a time. The system creates a different audience group and runs the campaign. You can select one of the following options, and Facebook makes variations for you:

2. Customer LTV

The customer lifetime value (LTV) feature is another cool one that you should definitely check out. Facebook recently added this option in the audience section. To understand the feature, you must be aware of "lookalike audiences" on Facebook.

3. Fullscreen Canvas Experience

Another feature is Fullscreen Canvas, a mobile experience. You can create a custom layout to drive better engagement.
Joemktg's insight:

The article goes into great detail behind each of the three features.


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Facebook Disables Employer Targeting, And B2B Marketers Must Adapt | AdExchanger

Facebook Disables Employer Targeting, And B2B Marketers Must Adapt | AdExchanger | The MarTech Digest |
Facebook’s decision to disable segments around self-reported user information, including employers, won’t significantly change the amount of spend the platform gets from B2B marketers, according to numerous agency sources.

Facebook disabled targeting around self-reported segments after ProPublica revealed Thursday that advertisers can target users with anti-Semitic and derogatory terms. The ban includes employer and education segments, as Facebook users can list anyone under those categories without verifying their listed company or school.
Joemktg's insight:

Clearly a hit to ABM efforts.


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What to Post on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and More - Buffer

What to Post on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and More - Buffer | The MarTech Digest |

"Here are the general guidelines:

  • Facebook: Videos and curated content
  • Instagram: High-res photos, quotes, Stories
  • Twitter: News, blog posts, and GIFs
  • LinkedIn: Jobs, company news, and professional content
  • Pinterest: Infographics and step-by-step photo guides
  • Google+: Blog posts that you want to rank on Google"
Joemktg's insight:

Pretty much what you would expect.


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The Complete Guide to Facebook and Instagram Advertising Targeting Options [Infographic] - MarketingProfs

The Complete Guide to Facebook and Instagram Advertising Targeting Options [Infographic] - MarketingProfs | The MarTech Digest |
With so many targeting options for Facebook and Instagram advertising, figuring out which is right for you can be hard. These are all the targeting choices to help you find your ideal audience.
Joemktg's insight:

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How to Set a Facebook Ad Budget - Social Media Examiner

How to Set a Facebook Ad Budget - Social Media Examiner | The MarTech Digest |
#1: Set a Target Revenue Goal

#2: Create a Custom Conversion Path in Ads Manager

#3: Create a Two-Part Ad Campaign

#4: Monitor Your Results and Adjust Your Ad Campaign
Joemktg's insight:

Spot on guidance! Click through for the details.


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How to Get Started With Facebook Analytics - Social Media Examiner

How to Get Started With Facebook Analytics - Social Media Examiner | The MarTech Digest |
The redesigned Facebook Analytics is one of the most significant updates since the massive algorithm change. Now let’s look at how to navigate the analytics interface to find the information that matters most to you.

#1: Access Your Facebook Analytics

#2: Review Activity Reports

#3: Use Facebook Analytics Data to Inform Your Campaigns
Joemktg's insight:

It's what I like about Social Media Examiner: they always provide details, step x step content.


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How to Install and Use the Facebook Pixel: A Guide for Marketers - Social Media Examiner

How to Install and Use the Facebook Pixel: A Guide for Marketers - Social Media Examiner | The MarTech Digest |
The Facebook pixel is a piece of code you place on the backend of your website to track visitors to your site. The pixel allows you to run highly targeted campaigns, so it’s important to install it before running Facebook ads.

Each ad account gets one default pixel to use. The code is made up of two main parts: the pixel base code and event code. The pixel base code tracks all of the traffic to your site. Event codes are additional pieces of code you can add under the default pixel code to specific pages of your website that allow you to track certain actions on those pages.
Joemktg's insight:

CT for the step by step process.


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Facebook is reportedly developing a video chat device and smart speaker - VentureBeat

Facebook is reportedly developing a video chat device and smart speaker - VentureBeat | The MarTech Digest |
Facebook’s research lab Building 8 is reportedly working on a device about the size of a laptop for video calls, anonymous sources told Bloomberg. Sources also say a smart speaker is being developed by the company, and that the devices could be available as soon as spring 2018. If this is true, the undertaking would be the first major hardware projects produced by Building 8.

The news comes a day after Facebook acquired AI assistant startup Ozlo to beef up its conversational AI and Facebook Messenger team, and a week after DigiTimes reported that Facebook is working on a device similar to the Amazon Echo Show.

The dedicated video chat device, sources say, will come with a wide angle camera lens, and is being made to help people on a video call feel like they’re in the same room. A 360-degree camera has also been considered for the device, which may run on the Android operating system.
Joemktg's insight:

FB keeps rolling out "Wow" announcements.


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Facebook’s plan to convince businesses Workplace beats Slack and Microsoft Teams - VentureBeat

Facebook’s plan to convince businesses Workplace beats Slack and Microsoft Teams - VentureBeat | The MarTech Digest |
Workplace by Facebook is currently used by more than 14,000 businesses. Facebook declined to state its total number of Workplace users today.

In addition to changes made since launch, Facebook is counting on a few factors to distinguish itself from competitors like Microsoft and Google, as well as established team communication companies like Atlassian’s Hipchat and Yammer.

Among them: A user interface everyone already knows. Millennials will make up 50 percent of the U.S. workforce by 2020, a fact Codorniou believes will give Workplace an advantage going forward.
Joemktg's insight:

We switched: less taxing on the laptop/desktop memory vs. Slack.


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