Six Reasons to Integrate Your CRM with Marketing Automation - Vocus | #TheMarketingTechAlert | The MarTech Digest |

Basic/ Excerpt...

  1. Integration improves efficiency. Data doesn’t have to be entered multiple times. It can be entered in one place and synced to the other.
  2. Integration maintains the most up-to-date records. By integrating your CRM with marketing automation software, any updates to a contact’s record are shared across both platforms. No team has to worry that the information is out of date or incorrect because the integration double checks work.
  3. Integration improves communication. The marketing department can see what the sales team is doing and vice versa. Communication not only improves between the two of them but also between them and the customer and between them and the stakeholders.
  4. Integration improves the customer experience. Marketing automation shows where a prospect is on the purchasing journey cycle. The CRM and sales team only step in once the prospect is sales ready.
  5. Integration results in better quality leads. Marketing automation is for finding and nurturing leads. As those leads mature, they can be shared with the sales team because they are quantifiably and qualitatively ready to make a purchase.
  6. Integration encourages collaboration. Marketing and sales are meant to work together. Their success is dependent upon one another. Integrating a CRM with marketing automation is a technological way of encouraging collaboration and cooperation within the workplace.



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