New Report Shows Four Out of Five B2B Companies Invest Less Than 30 Percent of Their Marketing Budget on Customer Retention Messaging - CorporateVisions | The MarTech Digest |
Nearly 80 percent of companies spend less than 30 percent of their time and budget on customer retention-focused messaging and content, according to Corporate Visions' State of the Conversation Report, "Customer Retention and Renewal Messaging: Mission Critical, But Missing in Action."

What's more, the report found that 42 percent of respondents say their companies invest less than 10 percent of their marketing budgets on renewal messaging efforts.

Interestingly, the survey reveals that nearly 60 percent of B2B professionals don't think the messaging for their renewal conversations should differ from their customer acquisition messaging—a finding that flies in the face of recent Corporate Visions academic research, which found that the messaging strategies that work best for winning new customers are not effective for securing renewals.