Salesforce Is Teaming Up With This Popular Chat Service - Fortune | The MarTech Digest |
On Tuesday, Slack said that its users will now be able to connect the two tools, reducing how much they would need to flip back and forth between them. Users can search their Salesforce data via Slack, create Slack conversation channels associated with specific items in Salesforce, and connect Slack to two other Salesforce products: SalesforceIQ and Quip, the Google Docs competitor the software giant recently acquired.

Perhaps a bit awkward is the fact that Salesforce offers its own workplace chat service, named Chatter. While companies often prefer to avoid promoting a competing product, Salesforce may see more value in working with Slack and making it easier for their mutual customers to work with both, than to attempt to convince them to use Chatter. The integration could also lead some Slack customers to sign up for Salesforce now that they can use it right from the Slack app.