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4 Best Practices for Mobile Email Marketing - OMI

4 Best Practices for Mobile Email Marketing - OMI | The MarTech Digest |
Here are 4 best practices for optimizing your email marketing for mobile users, including tips on preview panes, subject lines, mobile email design, and more.


You may be doing a bang-up job on designing and writing emails to support your direct marketing effort—but if you aren’t designing email for the mobile device, you may be missing some real opportunities.

1. Pass the gauntlet of mobile email viewing.

2. Remember that users tap and swipe, not click.

3. Optimize your layout and graphics for mobile.

4. Leverage responsive design.

Joemktg's insight:

Point #1 is worthy of a click through to review, and the author is absolutely right about her recommendations. We're hopeful that you are already deploying responsive design.

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Cookjmc's curator insight, October 12, 2013 6:15 PM

Good points here than also reinforce good email marketing in general. Making it easy for your recipients to take action can be simply done by making a CTA button appear at the top of the page, on a graphic or on the bottom. Don't let them hunt and peck to figure out what to do- guide them. HubSpot has great tools for this that you can track along the way.

Jeff Guzzo's curator insight, September 15, 2014 4:03 AM


The article 4 Best Practices for Mobile Email Marketing describes four things companies should be mindful of when creating marketing emails. The core message of the article is that if a company is not designing email for mobile devices, they are missing out on great opportunities. The first point or method the author recommends is to create the emails tailored to mobile devices. It then breaks down how to create and write the email so that it doesn’t look like spam or an ordinary email. The next tip the author lists is for companies to remember that users tap and swipe on their mobile devices, not click. It goes into detail saying how to make the email more tap friendly. The third tip is to optimize the layout and graphics for mobile. Using large photos and a single-column layout are mobile friendly. The fourth tip the author recommends is to use leverage responsive design. This tip is saying that an email should be adaptable to any device it’s being read on – so it should convert to mobile or desktop viewing layout depending on where it is opened.


I believe this article makes some excellent points for businesses to follow in order to maximize their reach to consumers, and in turn, generate more profit. Mobile is the way of the future, so businesses should really adapt to mobile marketing to keep up with the times. 


-Jeff G

Rotem Banai's curator insight, September 15, 2014 11:57 AM

Mobile marketing has been consistently growing over the last several years. It is important to get your readers attention and have them open up the email. In the first best practice, "pass the gauntlet of mobile email viewing", it is important that the from line, subject line, preview pane, viewport, and scrolling view are all simple and easy for the reader as well as catching to ensure they read the entire email. The second practice, "Remember that users tap and swipe, not click", email viewers are on a mobile device and are using their fingers and not a mouse to view the information. Since they are viewing it off a mobile device it is important to keep links in the middle of the screen so they don't have to swipe through the screen. The third practice, " Optimize your layout and graphics for mobile", is key because you want the viewer to have an easy time understanding the point of your message. Having large fonts and an easy layout will make for a simple and easier understanding. Lastly, "leverage responsive design", responsive design helps the layout become more readable and useable on any screen the reader is using. It allows for the message to be consistent and flowing. I think these tips are very helpful for a business that is new to the mobile marketing game. If they follow these four easy steps, they are likely to have their emails read and even have viewers tap on their links provided.

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Infographic: The Challenge Of Email Success In A Fragmented Mobile World - Email Monks

Infographic: The Challenge Of Email Success In A Fragmented Mobile World - Email Monks | The MarTech Digest |
Soon, nearly half of all emails will be consumed on mobile devices, where the methods used to read them are widely varied.
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Growth in Mobile Search Advertising Provides New Opportunities for B2B Marketers | KoMarketing Associates

Growth in Mobile Search Advertising Provides New Opportunities for B2B Marketers | KoMarketing Associates | The MarTech Digest |


The growth in search advertising through mobile devices could open up a new opportunity for B2B marketers looking to reach audiences across multiple platforms. According to a study from KenShoo, smartphones and tablets receive nearly 20% of all search clicks yet marketing ad spend budgets are failing to stay on pace with this trend. An article from eMarketer highlighted the findings of the study, which revealed that although 8.7% of search clicks come from a mobile phone, marketers only allocate 5% of their ad spending to this medium.

Joemktg's insight:

And as you adjust your spending accordingly, please make sure to adjust your landing pages accordingly! They need to be built within responsive design principles!

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  • iNeoMarketing merges marketing automation with content marketing for a powerful lead management solution, configured and managed by our knowledgeable, experienced staff.  Contact us.
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Always Connected - How Smartphones and Social Keep Us Engaged - IDC and Facebook

Always Connected - How Smartphones and Social Keep Us Engaged - IDC and Facebook | The MarTech Digest |
Joemktg's insight:

And here's the study that is referenced in the adjacent Marketing Land scoop.

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  • iNeoMarketing merges marketing automation with content marketing for a powerful lead management solution, configured and managed by our knowledgeable, experienced staff.  Contact us.
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Email Is Top Activity On Smartphones, Ahead Of Web Browsing & Facebook - Marketing Land

Email Is Top Activity On Smartphones, Ahead Of Web Browsing & Facebook - Marketing Land | The MarTech Digest |
Email is the most common activity that U.S. adults do on their smartphones, with Web browsing and using Facebook a close second and third, respectively.


That’s according to “Always Connected,” a new study from IDC that was done earlier this month and includes responses from more than 7,400 iPhone and Android users between 18 and 44 years old. Facebook sponsored the study, and so much of the data surrounds how Facebook helps users connect with others via their smartphones.

According to the study, 78 percent of respondents say they check email on their smartphones, compared to 73 percent who browse websites and 70 percent who do something on Facebook. “While the exact percentages and order vary slightly by segment,” the study says, “the top 7 activities are consistent among 18-44 year olds, males and females, Android and iOS, etc.”

Joemktg's insight:

So are you deploying responsive design yet?

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  • iNeoMarketing merges marketing automation with content marketing for a powerful lead management solution, configured and managed by our knowledgeable, experienced staff.  Contact us.
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41% of email is now opened on mobile devices - Econsultancy

41% of email is now opened on mobile devices - Econsultancy | The MarTech Digest |
The proportion of email opened on mobile devices reached 41% in the second half of 2012 and is on course to surpass desktop by the end of this year.
Joemktg's insight:

Ahhhh, B2B data. Comparatively speaking, the percentage of B2B email activity over mobile is not as large as other industries, but this is meaningless: (1) one person's B2B is another person's B2X, and (2) you know darn well this will continue to grow. Mobile friendly email is critical, as is the associated landing page. Need more information? Search The Marketing Automation Alert tags for mobile or mobile marketing.

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  • iNeoMarketing merges marketing automation with content marketing for a powerful lead management solution, configured and managed by our knowledgeable, experienced staff.  Contact us.
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Mobile Marketers to Spend More, Despite ROI Concerns - MarketingCharts

Mobile Marketers to Spend More, Despite ROI Concerns - MarketingCharts | The MarTech Digest |

Mobile marketing budgets ought to increase this year, per results from a study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Acquent. 6 in 10 survey respondents – who were required to make or influence their company’s mobile marketing strategy and hiring decisions – said they expect their mobile marketing budgets to increase significantly (15%) or slightly (45%). But while their budgets will increase, their concerns about ROI look like they’re persisting.

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Infographic: The State of Mobile Content Marketing - Marketing Technology Blog

Infographic: The State of Mobile Content Marketing - Marketing Technology Blog | The MarTech Digest |
When all the data was put together, there were some startling findings:
  • Open rates on mobile devices have increased by 300% from October 2010 to October 2012. 
  • Mobile email creates twice as many conversions as social activities or search.
  • Mobile may not mean “on the go.” 51% of US mobile users browse, search, and purchase on mobile devices at home.
  • Web visits on a mobile or tablet device are highest on Thursday at 15.7%.
  • SMS marketing messaging is becoming more popular, with 31.2% of agencies using this tactic to increase click through.
Joemktg's insight:
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  • iNeoMarketing merges marketing automation with content marketing for a powerful lead management solution, configured and managed by our knowledgeable, experienced staff.  Contact us
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Marketing Research Chart: Top mobile marketing objectives

Marketing Research Chart: Top mobile marketing objectives | The MarTech Digest |
Joemktg's insight:

See the article here.

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iNeoMarketing merges marketing automation with content marketing for a powerful lead management solution, configured and managed by our knowledgeable, experienced staff.  Contact us.

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Mobile Marketing Click Through Rates (CTR) 19.3% v 4.2% for Email

Mobile Marketing Click Through Rates (CTR) 19.3% v 4.2% for Email | The MarTech Digest |
Joemktg's insight:

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Mind blowing stats about mobile marketing

Mind blowing stats about mobile marketing | The MarTech Digest |
500MM more people worldwide use a mobile phone than a toothbrush? See the full infographic at
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Mobile Consumer Behavior And Trends 2012

Mobile Consumer Behavior And Trends 2012 | The MarTech Digest |



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Six reasons content marketers need to think mobile

1. Mobile devices are the new desk space:

2. Web traffic from smartphones and tablets has risen dramatically:

3. People have a deeper engagement with their mobile device:

4. Email conversion rates are higher on mobiles:

5. The rise and rise of the app:

6. Mobile and contactless payment:



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Five Ways to Optimize Email for Mobile

1) Practice the KISS principle. Keep It Simple, Stupid. Smartphones enable lightning-fast deletion—so keep subject lines short, sweet, and intriguing.


2) Test ad infinitum. Never stop testing technical aspects of your campaigns. Images should load properly and layouts should be readable on any device or screen. Subscribers will lose interest if they have to keep scrolling to understand your message or if they get stuck waiting for data to download.


3) Give links prominent placement. Smaller screens can obscure links, especially when they're surrounded by clutter. Set links apart and make them easy to click on.


4) Define your call to action. You rarely have the full attention of a subscriber—so your offer must be compelling and targeted, and she must have a clear path to action. If she's not sure what she's supposed to do, don't expect her to stick around.


5) Get your timing right. When are your customers using mobile email? If you don't know, find out.


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