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Crossing the Chasm: The New Obstacle for B2B Buyers - Marketing Interactions | #TheMarketingTechAlert

Crossing the Chasm: The New Obstacle for B2B Buyers - Marketing Interactions | #TheMarketingTechAlert | The MarTech Digest |


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Marteq's insight:

Improve personally and professionally. If you can help your audience with that (and make it as easy as possible), then you're on the right path.

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Branding Strategy Insider | The Limits Of Marketing | #TheMarketingAutomationAlert

Branding Strategy Insider | The Limits Of Marketing | #TheMarketingAutomationAlert | The MarTech Digest |
The hardest thing a brand can do is convince – to go against what people already believe and to ask them to believe something different. Actually, that’s not just true for brands, it’s applicable to anything or anyone.

Intermediate/ Excerpt...

Marketers are optimists. We naturally believe that the power of a strong, well-presented argument must win through. It’s simply not true.


The easiest thing a brand can do is confirm – to give us more, by way of physical product or perspectives, of what we already know and agree with. Loyalty jumps when brands tell their customers, show them, present them with something they had always wanted to hear, see or think about. Launching iCloud, Steve Jobs told Apple fans the world was entering a post-PC age. It was an idea that was readily and speedily embraced, because it confirmed what Apple fans believe, or would like to believe, anyway.


Marketing may help decide preference but it cannot alter fundamental inclination. On the contrary, inclination pre-decides the success of so much marketing.



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Marteq's insight:

There's only so much a B2B marketer can do: present the right case at the right time, i.e., appropriate for the sales stage. And you can make the rational, logical argument, but as it usual is, it will come down to Sales execution.

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Achieving Right Time, Right Message in Email Marketing and Beyond - ClickZ | #TheMarketingAutomationAlert

Achieving Right Time, Right Message in Email Marketing and Beyond - ClickZ | #TheMarketingAutomationAlert | The MarTech Digest |

Intermediate/ Condensed...

There were two major initiatives that brought us closer to our messaging goal:

-- >  predictive lead scoring, 

-- >  and ad retargeting.


We've integrated the scoring process with our web forms, so now a contact is assigned a score as soon as they enter our database. The predicted lead score, along with other information such as marketing lead score and website interactions, helps us decide what type of messaging a contact should receive (e.g. hard sell or soft sell), how frequently we should reach out, or if the contact should be sent directly to our sales team for follow-up.


If we send an email to a contact prompting them to read a white paper or download a Nitro Pro trial, we also begin serving them display ads with the same call-to-action to reiterate our messaging without having to clutter inboxes with multiple emails. Additionally, it means our messaging is in front of users while they're browsing the web and thus they intrinsically have the time to consume our content and research our solutions. This initiative is still in its early stages, but we anticipate seeing a lift in engagement and campaign-driven web traffic.


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Marteq's insight:

A nice first person testimonial on how the messaging improved over time in their email marketing efforts. Click through for more details.

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Greeks in plaid: the art of digital marketing persuasion - Econsultancy | #TheMarketingAutomationAlert

Greeks in plaid: the art of digital marketing persuasion - Econsultancy | #TheMarketingAutomationAlert | The MarTech Digest |

Basic/ Digest...

Logos marketing: the power of data

Using logic (data and facts) to persuade your audience is particularly important in the digital marketing space because of the virtual nature of the interface. It’s crucial, on the web, to give consumers ways to measure and evaluate your product and brand.


Ethos marketing: Optimizing identity

Where do I even start? Good credibility and character are of paramount importance to being persuasive in digital marketing. Authorship, for one. As most of you know, CTRs are higher for search results with authorship images.


Pathos marketing: Manufacturing love

Pathos marketing, the appeal to emotions, has a special significance in digital marketing.  What your brands must do is capture their consumers’ love. It’s a particular kind of “love”, and in the context of marketing; he means is creating “'loyalty beyond reason.” It’s a powerful thing.


Kairos marketing: The right site

We’re at kairos, which Aristotle refers to as the element of timing. The digital marketers who were the first to apply the spirit of the times (kairos marketing) to their site, adopting clean slate brands, have received big payoffs. The takeaway here is to keep your eyes and ears open to changing consumer desires and associations; apply them to your logos, ethos, and pathos digital marketing strategies. That's the essence of kairos marketing.



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Marteq's insight:

Take a look at the optimized landing page: it has logic, it has testimonials, and it appeals to emotions. The three pillars to everything we do.

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Marketing Is Personal - Emotion Beats Promotion By 2X | B2B Marketing Insider | #TheMarketingAutomationAlert

Marketing Is Personal - Emotion Beats Promotion By 2X | B2B Marketing Insider | #TheMarketingAutomationAlert | The MarTech Digest |


From Promotion to Emotion. Here’s what you need to know:

  -- >86% of  B2B buyers  think that we are all selling basically the same stuff. Yep. That’s right. You’ve been commoditized.

  -- >Brands that can connect with their buyers on an emotional level will see 2 times more impact than  B2B Marketers who are still trying to sell business or functional value.


How To Make B2B Marketing Personal

According to the Corporate Executive Board, the best actions B2B marketers can take to make B2B Marketing personal:

  -- >Understand customer personal goals and emotions. B2B Marketers need to use open observation of customers to spot non-verbal or contextual cues that reveal underlying emotions.

  -- >Craft brand messages that convey personal value by using your customers’ natural language not your internal jargon. Keyword research is still a big part of the process to make sure you are seeing what terms will resonate with the larger market.

  -- >Drive action by reminding buyers that their current pains are worse than the pain of change.

  -- >Teach customers something new about their business needs then lead them to your differentiators.



NEW: iNeoMarketing makes content marketing easy with the new Q8 Content. Q8 fills your content pipeline daily with relevant articles that your audience wants to read. Learn more and sign up for the beta program:


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Marteq's insight:

Go back to your personas, and speak to your personas through your communiques. Unless you're speaking to them on the phone or via conference, this is really the only way to get personal.

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It All Comes Back to Positioning and Messaging - Gartner | #TheMarketingAutomationAlert

It All Comes Back to Positioning and Messaging - Gartner | #TheMarketingAutomationAlert | The MarTech Digest |


Sources of differentiation include:

-- >  Innovation

-- >  User Experience/Interface

-- >  Industry/Domain Focus

-- >  Completeness of Solution

-- >  Quality

-- >  Time-to-Market

-- >  Service and Support

-- >  Price


Once you have your positioning taken care of, take a look at your messaging and ask yourself the following questions?

-- >  Is your messaging clear, concise and simple enough that someone who isn’t in the industry would at least be able to have a reasonable idea what you are offering?

-- >  Can your salespeople and partners quickly explain it to prospects?

-- >  Is it largely free of buzzwords, jargon and gobbledygook?

-- >  Does it explain what problem you are trying to solve and how you solve them? Does it include numbers-driven proof points?

-- >  Are there variations for the different roles, titles, industries and/or countries you are targeting?

Marteq's insight:

Although the post is geared to tech companies, it's applicable to any B2B company.

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Elevator Speech vs. Unique Selling Proposition vs. Value Proposition - Jill Konrath | #TheMarketingAutomationAlert

Elevator Speech vs. Unique Selling Proposition vs. Value Proposition - Jill Konrath | #TheMarketingAutomationAlert | The MarTech Digest |


Elevator Speech

An elevator speech is a short, 1-2 sentence statement that defines who you work with (target market) and the general area in which you help them.

About 10 seconds long, it’s used primarily at networking events to attract potential clients and stimulate discussion. The following elevator speeches show you how some people describe what they do:

-- >  “I work with small businesses who are struggling to sell their products or services into large corporate accounts.”

-- >  “We help technology companies effectively use their customer information to drive repeat sales.”

-- >  “I help small-to-medium sized manufacturing companies who have difficulties with unpredictable revenue streams.”


Unique Selling Proposition

A unique selling proposition (USP) is a statement about what makes you and your company different from other vendors. Its primary value is to create competitive differentiation. A USP is often used in marketing materials or in talking with customers who are ready to buy. Here are a few good USP examples:

-- >  We specialize in working with financial institutions. (Specialty)

-- >  We guarantee service in 4 hours or your money back. (Guarantee)

-- >  We use a unique tool called SureFire! to analyze your critical needs. (Methodology)

USPs are far more effective in the business-to-consumer market than in business-to-business sales.


Value Proposition

A value proposition is a clear statement of the tangible results a customer gets from using your products or services.  A strong value proposition is specific, often citing numbers or percentages. It may include a quick synopsis of your work with similar customers as a proof source and demonstration of your capability.



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Marteq's insight:

Got to love the basics. Jill nailed it, with the exception of one thing:

A USP is not necessarily exclusive to B2C. For message building, I've often found it quite useful as it narrows matters down to that singular focus with the singular benefit.

Rick Garza's curator insight, July 8, 2014 4:28 PM

In this fast paced, I don't have time,  come back later world we lI've in, you only have one chance to make a first impression. 


A Sales Athlete is always preparing for game time.  Are you?

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How B2B companies talk past their customers | McKinsey & Company | #TheMarketingAutomationAlert

How B2B companies talk past their customers | McKinsey & Company | #TheMarketingAutomationAlert | The MarTech Digest |
New research shows there’s a surprising gap between the brand messages that suppliers offer to customers and what their customers really want to know. A McKinsey Quarterly article.


The results were revealing (exhibit). Themes such as social responsibility, sustainability, and global reach, which many B2B companies cast in a leading role for brand imaging, appeared to have a minimal influence on buyers’ perceptions of brand strength. The inverse was true, as well: two of the most important themes for customer perceptions of brand strength—effective supplychain management and specialist market knowledge—were among those least mentioned by B2B suppliers. Honest and open dialogue, which customers considered most important, was one of the three themes not emphasized at all by the 90 companies in our sample. In addition to these disconnects, our analysis showed a surprising similarity among the brand themes that leading B2B companies emphasized, suggesting a tendency to follow the herd rather than create strongly differentiated brand messages.



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Marteq's insight:

Another example of how the lack of research and testing leads to faulty messaging. TEST!!!

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Does Your Marketing Answer the Right Questions? | SiriusDecisions Blog | #TheMarketingAutomationAlert

Does Your Marketing Answer the Right Questions? | SiriusDecisions Blog | #TheMarketingAutomationAlert | The MarTech Digest |
Why understanding your buyers and customers is essential to making your marketing work.

Key excerpt...

Marketers should know the answers to the following questions and use them as a guide to segmentation and core value propositions: What makes your customers successful, and what makes them want to stay? What kinds of customers get the most value and why? Be honest, now: Are there some customers who really shouldn’t work with you?


Show prospects what to expect from the experience – and what not to expect. Invite customers to tell that story for you whenever possible. In other words, don’t just sell the “what.” Get buyers and customers to understand the “why” and the “how” of working with you. It might make selling the “what” a lot easier.

Marteq's insight:

This is brilliant!

It peels away the BS atop the conversation, and gets to the nuts and bolts of a prospective relationship. Use this as guidance not only towards the sales process, but your messaging!

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Messaging Mistakes - Gartner | #TheMarketingAutomationAlert

Messaging Mistakes - Gartner | #TheMarketingAutomationAlert | The MarTech Digest |

Key excerpt...

Here are the keys to success:

  1. Start with outcomes (for buyers) and draw them in with a compelling opening
  2. Follow with why these outcomes matter (now more than ever to establish urgency)
  3. Provide the right level of proof on ability to deliver it (or how you do it)
  4. In all of these, structure your communications from the customer perspective, not yours.
  5. Close with an action recommendation, guide the buyer toward what they should do next.
Marteq's insight:

As crazy as it is, I still see these same mistakes made over and over. Every Marketing degree needs to include a required course on Copywriting.

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  • iNeoMarketing drives more revenue and opportunities for B2B companies using marketing technologies. Contact us
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B2B Sales Reps Missing Tools For Effective New Product Launch Messaging - MarketingCharts

B2B Sales Reps Missing Tools For Effective New Product Launch Messaging - MarketingCharts | The MarTech Digest |

A survey of about 400 B2B salespeople and marketers around the world, conducted by Corporate Visions, has found that salespeople are not being armed with the right tools to deliver new product messages. In turn, almost 60% of respondents believe that only a minority of salespeople are delivering new product messages the way they were intended. Among the issues uncovered: only 38% of companies offer formal training to sales reps for new product launches at least three-quarters of the time, and only 22% said sales reps are required to demonstrate proficiency in message delivery.

Marteq's insight:

Seriously, there's no excuse for this anymore. With the amount of marketing technology available today, both for creation as well as distribution and storage, this is relatively simple to execute. And deploying JIT via video is probably the most useful tool available.

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  • iNeoMarketing merges marketing automation with content marketing for a powerful lead management solution, configured and managed by our knowledgeable, experienced staff.  Contact us.
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Marketing Research Chart: Analytics usage for message creation | MarketingSherpa

Marketing Research Chart: Analytics usage for message creation | MarketingSherpa | The MarTech Digest |
In this week’s chart, we learn about marketers’ current use of analytics data to create different message types.

The question...

Q: Which of the following analytics do you routinely use to create different message types?

Marteq's insight:

What's interesting is the lack of attention to device, i.e., mobile and tablet.  This impacts the messaging: of course in terms of format, but how the delivery mechanism itself forces changes to the message.

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  • iNeoMarketing merges marketing automation with content marketing for a powerful lead management solution, configured and managed by our knowledgeable, experienced staff.  Contact us
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The Value of Telling Great Stories [INFOGRAPHIC]

The Value of Telling Great Stories [INFOGRAPHIC] | The MarTech Digest |

Applicable to B2B?  You bet: and this infographic outlines how our messaging should morph.

Marteq's insight:

See the article at

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iNeoMarketing merges marketing automation with content marketing for a powerful lead management solution, configured and managed by our knowledgeable, experienced staff.  Contact us.

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