Metaglossia: The Translation World
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Metaglossia: The Translation World
News about translation, interpreting, intercultural communication, terminology and lexicography - as it happens
Curated by Charles Tiayon
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Translator training and education: Techno-pedagogy, research and ...

The digital technologies, virtual learning / instruction, as well as the change in translator work patterns had an impact on translator training at university level. The need to rethink the pedagogical approaches as well as the type ...!
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SFM forme les étudiants en master en traduction aux réseaux sociaux | Les feuilles volantes

Vous êtes jeune traducteur indépendant ? Vous faites vos premiers pas sur internet afin de promouvoir votre activité ? Les réseaux sociaux sont un composant indispensable de votre présence sur le web.!
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Le Séminaire sur la traduction chinois-français célèbre son dixième anniversaire à Beijing

Le 19 décembre au matin, le Séminaire sur la traduction du chinois vers le français de l'Association des traducteurs chinois (ATC) a célébré son dixième anniversaire à Beijing. Cette cérémonie était également l'occasion d'inaugurer la 21e édition du séminaire organisé sous l'égide de la Télévision centrale de Chine (CCTV).

M. Huang Youyi, vice-président et secrétaire général de l'ATC, a fait l'éloge des efforts de tous les membres présents au séminaire sur la traduction du chinois vers le français, en les remerciant pour leur contribution sociale. Il s'est également félicité de la participation des experts étrangers au séminaire, ce qui participe au perfectionnement de la traduction des expressions chinoises.

M. Huang a dévoilé que l'examen du niveau I du CATTI (China Accreditation Test for Translators and Interpreters) débuterait en 2013.

A cette occasion, M. Huang a décerné le titre de Membre d'honneur du Séminaire sur la traduction du chinois vers le français à quatorze spécialistes du français, à savoir Hou Guixin, Xie Xiehe, Jiang Deshan, Chen Boxiang, Tang Jialong, Lan Baolin, Zhao Wenli, Wang Wenrong, Ren Youliang, Guo Anding, Yang Jun, Qiu Juliang, Hao Baolu et Jia Yanjing, pour leur contribution au développement du séminaire.

Après la cérémonie présidée par M. Gong Jieshi, le secrétaire général du séminaire et directeur du département de français des Éditions en langues étrangères, les traductions françaises de plus de deux cents expressions et mots chinois ont fait l'objet de discussions chaleureuses. Ces expressions appartenaient à différents domaines parmi lesquels nous citerons le XVIIIe Congrès du Parti communiste chinois, la société, l'économie, les îles Diaoyu et les néologismes chinois.!
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IV Coloquio Internacional Lucentino | El blog del MIC de la ULL

La semana pasada se celebró en Alicante el IV Coloquio Internacional Lucentino, donde bajo el lema “Ser o no ser… Intérprete” se debatieron los nuevos rumbos que está tomando la profesión. Desde el MIC nos gustaría felicitar a los organizadores por habernos posibilitado acudir a un evento tan enriquecedor, en el que los estudiantes fueron en gran medida los protagonistas.!
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40-Hour Community Interpreter Training | International Rescue Committee (IRC)


The Suburban Washington Resettlement Center is looking for 18 to 24 qualified, willing and interested candidates to participate in a 40-hour (5-day, 8 hours/day) community interpreter training course certified by Cross Cultural Communications, Inc., (, a company providing government agencies and non-profit organizations with training in language and culture, services to immigrants, interpreting, and education for translators and interpreters.

Community interpreting is a growing profession that targets the sectors of health care, education, and human and social services. In the past, families and friends used to interpret in these settings. Today, federal civil rights legislation, national ethics and standards for interpreters, hospital accreditation agencies, and many state and municipal laws endorse or promote the use of qualified interpreters. A qualified interpreter should, at minimum, attend professional training and be tested for language proficiency.

Day 1: Monday, December 3rd, 9 A.M. to 5:30 P.M.
Day 2: Tuesday, December 4th, 9 A.M. to 5:30 P.M.
Day 3: Friday, December 7th, 9 A.M. to 5:30 P.M.
Day 4: Monday, December 10th, 9 A.M. to 5:30 P.M.
Day 5: Tuesday, December 11th, 9 A.M. to 5:30 P.M.

Suburban Washington Resettlement Center
8719 Colesville Road, 3rd Floor, Silver Spring, MD 20910

Fee: $150 (scholarship available if you are a current SWRC client.)


You are 21 years old or older.
You possess good English proficiency (short listed candidates will be assessed for their English proficiency level)
You have been in the United States of America for over 180 days (preferred).
Experience with refugees or asylees strongly preferred. Former or current refugees and asylees are encouraged to apply.

Selected candidates must attend all sessions (5 days).
Selected candidates must commit to completing 10 to 20 hour unpaid practicum (observation period) to work as a community interpreter at the Suburban Washington Resettlement Center upon the completion of the training.

Application Due: November 6th, 2012
If you are interested, please submit your resume either electronically or by mail to Hanako Kubori, Community Interpreter Program Coordinator, at, or Attn: Hanako Kubori, 8719 Colesville Road, 3rd Floor, Silver Spring, MD 20910. You may also hand deliver your resume to the SWRC reception desk. No calls please.!
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Writing Center offers online tutoring after hours

Online tutoring, provided by the FMU Writing Center (WC), gives FMU students a new way to access tutorials outside of normal hours.
Dr. Jennifer Kunka, director of the WC, implemented the program last semester for off-campus students, but has decided to offer online tutoring for the entire student body.
“It began because we wanted to provide Writing Center tutoring assistance to students who are not physically taking class on the campus,” Kunka said. “[Now] we have decided to expand it this semester to a wider audience. We’ve opened it up to the entire university and have started to get some interest in it from students who are signing up to make use of what we can offer.”
Justin McGee, one of four online WC consultants, said that Collaborate is an environment that provides almost the same experience as meeting face to face.
“It’s different because you lose that one-on-one interaction between the student and the tutor,” McGee said. “However, the program we use, Blackboard Collaborate, really makes the sessions as similar to normal tutoring sessions as possible.”
Tutorials take place through an online application called Blackboard Collaborate. Collaborate is part of the Blackboard website which many professors use to post assignments and quizzes for students. Collaborate provides specialized tools for online tutoring allowing students to share documents and to interact with the tutors in various ways.
Students who are interested in using Blackboard Collaborate through the online tutoring program are required to have a microphone and speakers or headphones in order to talk to the tutors. A webcam is helpful, but optional for students. The tutors, however, will have a headset as well as a webcam so students can both see and hear them during the tutorial.
Although the tutoring sessions provide the same quality of tutoring found in the WC, some prior set-up is essential to make sure everything happens as it should.!

Traduction littéraire - Association des Traducteurs Littéraires de France - Ouverture des candidatures pour l’Ecole de Traduction Littéraire (CNL-ETL)

15 octobre 2012 , par ATLF
Après une première session expérimentale de 3 mois au printemps 2012, la CNL-ETL ouvrira ses portes à compter de la mi-janvier 2013 à une première promotion de traducteurs, pour un cursus de deux ans.

Ce cursus s’adresse à des traducteurs professionnels en début de carrière, ayant au moins une traduction à leur actif chez un éditeur commercial. Les traducteurs depuis et vers toutes les langues étrangères sont éligibles.
L’école proposera, en alternance un samedi sur deux, dans les locaux du CNL à Paris, des ateliers de traduction multilingue, ainsi que des modules de formation professionnelle. Ces ateliers seront animés par des traducteurs renommés, ainsi que par des représentants du monde de l’édition (éditeurs, correcteurs, responsables de droits, directeurs commerciaux…). Ils seront complétés par des ateliers d’écriture, ainsi que par des cours consacrés au droit de l’édition et à l’utilisation des outils informatiques dans la pratique professionnelle.
L’École de Traduction Littéraire délivrera une attestation de formation, subordonnée à des conditions d’assiduité, chaque candidat s’engageant à suivre la totalité des cours, sauf cas de force majeure.
Les dossiers de candidature doivent être adressés au CNL avant le 15 novembre 2012
Les candidats retenus seront informés au plus tard le 15 décembre 2012.
Pour plus d’informations, vous pouvez contacter le CNL
Télécharger le dossier de candidature :!
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Specialising in legal translation(11:30 - October 25th, 2012)

Specialising in legal translation(11:30 - October 25th, 2012)
This webinar will provide the audience with an overview of the field of legal translation, focusing on the following aspects:

Why legal translation as a specialisation?
How to get into the legal translation field
Disparity between Anglo-American law / continental law
Types of documents usually translated and some basic vocabulary (examples translated into French and Spanish)
Main features of Legal English
Some practical problems in legal translation
Target audience: Practical advice for the budding legal translator seeking to work in this field.

Speaker: Ricardo Martinez of City University, London

Ricardo has been translating, interpreting and lecturing since 1990, both in the UK and Spain. As an Intérprete Jurado he specialises in the legal and financial fields. He has expanded his areas of expertise throughout the years to other fields such as journalism, TV, tourism, engineering, software localisation and IT. As a lecturer he has taught at the Escuela de Traductores e Intérpretes in Madrid in the 1990s and is currently responsible for the English-Spanish language pair of the Legal Translation MA at City University.!
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postgraduate interpreting courses | The Interpreter Diaries

October 4, 2012
Interpreter Training: Is This a Game-Changer?
Even in this world of constant connection and information overload, every once in a while there is a story that stands out from the rest. Being a trainer of conference interpreters, it’s clear that my eye is most likely to be caught by stories and events in my field. What I want to talk about today would appear to be something of a game-changer for interpreter training, or at least a firm step towards bringing training into the 21st century.

We all know that post-secondary education is moving swiftly toward embracing virtual learning environments (VLE). You don’t have to look far to find the trailblazers: headlines were made around the world recently when Harvard, MIT, and other top US schools unveiled edX, a common platform offering hundreds of their courses online for free. Oxford has since responded with a weblearning initiative of its own, and others are swiftly following in their footsteps.

Readers may also be aware that there are more and more opportunities springing up for learning and practicing interpreting online. Here are a few good examples: the University of the Witwatersrand occasionally offers intensive courses in interpreting techniques that are part online, part face-to-face. The FTSK’s Internationale Sommerschule offers weekly not-for-credit online interpreter training sessions. Then there are AIIC’s training webinars, which expose a broad audience to the views of eminent trainers. I also know of a handful of colleagues who regularly teach and meet with students via Skype or get together to practice their technique in Google Hangouts.

However, to my knowledge at least, there has to date been no degree-level interpreter training course delivered 100% online. This is all changing, with the launch of the Master of Conference Interpreting (MCI) at the Glendon School of Translation in Toronto, Canada.

Glendon’s MCI is a complete, two-year postgraduate qualification. It’s not the first of its kind in this respect – indeed, in many ways it is modelled on more classical training models such as the European Master’s in Conference Interpreting – but what makes it new and different is the fact that Year One of the program is delivered 100% online via Moodle (a popular VLE) and Adobe Connect (a webconferencing tool). Successful completion of the first year, which includes modules in healthcare, legal and conference interpreting, leads to a Graduate Diploma in General Interpreting and is intended to prepare students to obtain certification and enter the community interpreting markets in their countries.!
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Concours: Master Professionnel en Traduction et Interprétation – UY1

Le Doyen de la Faculté des Arts, Lettres et Sciences Humaines de l’Université de Yaoundé I informe le grand public et toutes les personnes désireuses de s’inscrire au programme de Master Professionnel en Traduction et Interprétation qu’offre l’Université de Yaoundé I qu’un test de sélection (épreuves écrites et orales) donnant accès à cette formation hautement professionnelle sera organisé au sein de son établissement le vendredi 5 novembre 2012 dès 8 heures.

La date limite de dépôt des dossiers de candidature comportant les pièces ci-dessous est fixée au mercredi 31 octobre 2012.

- une enveloppe (format A4) timbrée au tarif en vigueur à l’adresse personnelle du candidat ;

- une demande manuscrite motivée adressée au Doyen de la FALSH de l’Université de Yaoundé I ;

- une copie certifiée conforme de l’acte de naissance

- une copie certifiée conforme de tous les diplômes universitaires ;

- une copie certifiée conforme du Baccalauréat ou du G.C.E. Advanced Level ;

- les copies certifiées conformes des relevés de notes pour tous les diplômes universitaires ;

- une attestation de présentation des originaux des diplômes ;

- une attestation de présentation des originaux des diplômes ;

- une attestation ou certificat de travail pour les professionnels ;

- quatre (04) photos d’identité au format 4×4 ;

- un reçu de versement de la somme de 20.000 FCFA, non remboursable représentant les frais d’étude du dossier auprès du billetteur de la FALSH.!
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eCPD Webinars: live events

FREE WEBINAR intended for viewing by staff and owners of Translation Companies and other Language Service Providers. We do not mind how large or small your business is, but please do not register if you are a freelance translator. However, if you are an individual running a small translation agency you will be most welcome. Places are limited so please only sign up if you plan to attend the live session. If you cannot attend live, a recording will be made available after the event on request.

2.OO pm BST (UK time). To check the time where you are click here:

The presentation will discuss common-sense business practices that improve the working relationship between the Language Service Provider and the freelance translator. The presenter is an experienced translator who enjoys working for language services providers, and takes a number of factors into consideration when deciding whether to work for a client the first time and whether to accept subsequent jobs.

The speaker: Karen M. Tkaczyk, PhD, CT, works as a French - English (ATA-certified) and Spanish - English freelance translator. She is originally from the UK and now lives in Nevada. Her translation work focuses on chemistry, its industrial applications, and intellectual property. She holds an MChem in chemistry with French (University of Manchester, UK), a diploma in French, and a PhD in organic chemistry (University of Cambridge, UK). She worked in the pharmaceutical industry in Europe, and then in pharmaceuticals and cosmetics in the U.S. Since 2005, she has been technical translator and editor. She is the current administrator of the ATA Science and Technology Division.

To register please click here:!
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4th Arab Translation Conference Opens

Muscat, Oct 1 (ONA)----The 2-day 4th Arab Translation Conference titled "Language and Translation in the IT and Communications Age" began today at Sultan Qaboos Grand Mosque in the Wilayat of Bausher, under the patronage of Dr. Abdullah bin Nasir al-Harrasi, Chairman of the Public Authority for Radio and Television (TV).

Dr. Al-Harrasi said in a statement that the translation process is extremely important in building civilizations and human beings openness to each other, describing the language to translate from a "living language" emphasizing that the holding of this conference in the Sultanate is an indication of the Sultanate's interest in language and its affairs.

On his side, Mohammad bin Abdullah al-Harthy, Chairman of Polyglot Oman Institute and Board member of the Arab Translators Union (ATU) said in his speech that such conferences is a necessity towards the consolidation of the profession of translation and establishing it on solid bases of scientific objectivity, as we live in an age of rapid technological advances and communications revolution and the ensuing profound effects on all cultures.

He added that translation, besides being an important step to bridging the development gap, is an important means to transfer experience, arabize and localize science and technology, and it could motivate young people in a practical way, give them confidence in the importance of their role and their ability to deliver and contribute to the progress and development and goes beyond language to be a cultural bridge which contributes to the removal of barriers between peoples.

Dr. Abdul Latif Obeid from the ATU said in his speech that the conference combines translation issue and latest technologies in information and communication in the area of linking translation to the labour market and economic activity. He noted that the conference is one of a series of conferences organized by the Arab Organization for Translation in Beirut together with the ATU, Polyglot Muscat Institute, the Cultural Centre in Alexandria, Al Azm and Al Sa'adah Society in Tripoli-Lebanon, the Arab Academy of Damascus and the Lebanese Culture Ministry in Beirut.!
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Medical Interpreter Training Course in Boston, MA

Medical Interpreter Training Course in Boston, MA

Developed by Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Foundationand and administered by Language Connections LLC.
We are accepting applications for our 7-week Fall 2012 Medical Interpreter Training Session, that begins on November 5, 2012 and ends on December 22, 2012.

Registration Deadline: October 20th, 2012.
Space in the training course is limited and is filling up quickly.

Fundamentals of Medical Interpretation is a 60-hour training course that was developed to enable participants to become competent medical interpreters. The course introduces participants to interpreter roles and skills, interpreter ethics, anatomy and physiology and medical terminology in both English and the target language.

The course is offered in Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Arabic, Haitian Creole and Chinese.

Who should attend:
Bilingual individuals interested in becoming medical interpreters;!
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MA Translation Studies News: part-time tutors sought for MA Translation Studies

part-time tutors sought for MA Translation Studies
We are seeking to enlarge our bank of part-time hourly paid tutors for the MA Translation Studies. We are particularly interested in hearing from colleagues who work Arabic to English, English to Arabic, English to German, English to Japanese and Russian to English. Teaching takes place both in Portsmouth and online.

The advertisement can be accessed here.!
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Translation Studies with Intercultural Communications - University of Surrey - Guildford

MA Translation Studies with Intercultural Communications
Programme director
Dimitris Asimakoulas
Programme length
Full-time: 12 months, Full-time: 9 months
Programme start date
September 2013
Designed to address the need of linguistic knowledge and intercultural competence in a global business environment.

Programme Overview
Entry Requirements
Fees and Funding
Programme Content
Professional Recognition
Contact hours!
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Les nouveautés de l’Université de Rouen - Tendance Ouest Rouen

Pour cette rentrée 2012, l’Université de Rouen propose plus d’une vingtaine de nouvelles formations.

Les nouveautés ne manquent pas à l’Université de Rouen : nouvelles licences et Master ont fait leur apparition parmi le programme des formations proposées. Ainsi, cette année, le nombre de langues étudiées dans le cadre d’une licence de Langues étrangères appliquées a augmenté. Ils est désormais possible de combiner l’Anglais avec le Chinois, l’Arabe, l’Italien et le Coréen.

A partir de cette rentrée également, une nouvelle branche de Master a été lancée, axée sur l’éducation et les soins des personnes ayant des besoins spécifiques. Les étudiants sont formés aux problématiques causées par l’autisme et les troubles envahissants du développement. Ils participent également à des travaux de recherche dans le but de mettre en place de nouvelles méthodologies plus adaptées.

Un cycle préparatoire aux concours d’entrée aux Instituts études politiques de province vient également d’ouvrir. Cette formation est étalée sur deux semestres. Parallèlement, les étudiants disposeront d’un enseignement disciplinaire leur permettant d’entrer l’année suivante dans une licence 2.

Plus d’infos sur!
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Estudiar para traductor: dónde y cómo

Traductora y formadora de traductores, la autora de esta nota repasa el estado de la enseñanza de la traducción literaria en la Argentina, las opciones que tienen los estudiantes y las alternativas de entrada al mercado laboral.

Estudiar para traductor: dónde y cómo
Traductora y formadora de traductores, la autora de esta nota repasa el estado de la enseñanza de la traducción literaria en la Argentina, las opciones que tienen los estudiantes y las alternativas de entrada al mercado laboral.


Estudiar para traductor: dónde y cómo

Etiquetado como:La Argentina un país de traductores
Si bien la traducción es uno de los oficios más antiguos, surge como carrera profesional apenas en los primeros años del siglo XX, por lo que podría decirse que es una carrera joven.

En la Argentina, quien quiera estudiar una carrera de traducción primero deberá discernir si prefiere hacer el traductorado público, lo que significa que se formará exclusivamente en el campo jurídico, o el traductorado orientado a otros campos del saber, como la literatura, la ciencia y la técnica. En función de esta decisión primaria, el futuro traductor profesional tiene ante sí diversas opciones, pero quisiera abocarme a la formación del traductor literario.

Los traductores literarios de la Argentina, al igual que en otros países, provienen de entornos de formación muy variados, como son las carreras de traducción, las licenciaturas en idiomas y las carreras de letras, e incluso de otros ámbitos menos formales.

En el terreno de la educación formal, la oferta de centros de enseñanza en la Argentina no es muy amplia en términos geográficos, ya que la mayoría se concentra en la ciudad de Buenos Aires –al igual que con tantas otras cuestiones de este país–, como tampoco lo es en términos de diversidad de idiomas, ya que la formación en inglés lleva claramente la delantera, seguida por la de algunos otros idiomas, como el alemán, el francés y el portugués, en cuanto a cantidad de centros y, claro está, de alumnos inscriptos.!
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Inicia Diplomado para Intérpretes en Lenguas Indígenas | Ciudadania Express

Oaxaca, México.- El Secretario de Asuntos Indígenas, Adelfo Regino Montes rinauguró el Diplomado de Formación y Acreditación de Intérpretes en Lenguas Indígenas en los Ámbitos de Procuración y Administración de Justicia en el Estado de Oaxaca.

Este curso, se realiza del 18 de septiembre al 22 de noviembre del presente año, organizado por la Comisión Nacional para el Desarrollo de los Pueblos Indígenas (CDI), el Instituto Nacional de Lenguas Indígenas (INALI) y la Secretaría de Asuntos Indígenas (SAI), entre otras instituciones participantes.

Acompañado del Magistrado Eduardo Pinacho Sánchez y del Maestro Antolín Celote Preciado Director General Adjunto de la Academia y Políticas Lingüísticas del INALI, el Secretario de Asuntos Indígenas resaltó que la formación especializada para los intérpretes en el ámbito de la salud y la justicia tiene que ser un instrumento para el fortalecimiento de los pueblos indígenas, con la finalidad de que haya equidad y justicia entre los pueblos.

Durante el evento, las palabras de bienvenida estuvieron a cargo del Licenciado Tomás López Sarabia, Presidente del Consejo Directivo del Centro Profesional Indígena de Asesoría, Defensa y Traducción A.C., quien en su intervención exhortó a las y los participantes a luchar para que los resultados que arroje éste diplomado puedan traducirse en hechos cuando las y los indígenas de sus regiones lo necesiten ante las instancias de procuración de justicia.!
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Five-day workshop on teaching translation, interpretation ends

Five-day workshop on teaching translation, interpretation ends

ISLAMABAD: A five-day workshop under the auspicious Department of Translation and Interpretation of the International Islamic University, Islamabad (IIUI) with the collaboration of Higher Education Commission (HEC) ended on Monday at IIUI. The concluding ceremony of the workshop was held in the seminar room of the central library of IIUI, which was presided over by renowned scholar Prof Jasim Taqi. Programme coordinator and Translation and Interpretation Department head Dr Inamul Haq Ghazi presented a brief report about the workshop and said that participants had learned so many new things from this workshop and they were now in better position to differentiate between the translation and interpretation. He thanked the HEC for the cooperation in holding such a purposeful workshop. Dr Nighat Shakoor and Nasir Mehmood expressed their view about the workshop on this occasion and appreciated this effort of the Faculty of Arabic. Dr Taqi said it was imperative for progress and development of any nation to translate information about new disciplines and technologies and adopt the mother languages for communication in this regard. He quoted the examples of Japan and Korea, the two countries that were ruined in the Second World War but they get new lives due to translations of different disciplines and technologies in their own languages. staff!
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Gulf Times – Qatar’s top-selling English daily newspaper - Qatar

Translation institute welcomes new students

TII’s students with officials and faculty members The Translation and Interpreting Institute (TII) of Hamad Bin Khalifa University held an orientation event on Saturday, welcoming students to its first MA programme in Translation Studies (MATS).
Dr Amal Mohamed al-Malki, TII’s executive director; Dr Moneera al-Ghadir, director of postgraduate studies and research, and MATS faculty members welcomed the new students.
The event included a tour of TII’s cutting-edge facilities at its new centre in Awsaj Academy, part of Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development.
The facilities include interpreting labs, self-study labs and multimedia labs, as well as lecture and seminar rooms equipped with the latest audiovisual equipment.
Meanwhile, TII, which offers a Master’s degree in Translation Studies, hosted the first day of classes yesterday. The course provides students with theoretical and practical translation competencies in the areas of business and commerce, science and technology, literature, and media.
TII aims to become an international centre of excellence for the study of translation, interpreting, and languages. It offers a comprehensive range of translation and language courses unique to the GCC region, including postgraduate degrees in translation and interpreting, high-level language training, and quality translation and interpreting services.
The Institute consists of a Post-graduate Studies section, a Research Centre, a Language Centre and a Professional Services section, which together organise a wide range of international and local events throughout the year, including many that are open to the public.!
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Long-Term Vocabulary Expansion Possible Through Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition, announces Ultimate Vocabulary - Education News - redOrbit

The Kent State University study has revealed that readers can expand their vocabulary through incidental vocabulary acquisition, announces Ultimate Vocabulary. Incidental vocabulary acquisition occurs when readers encounter unfamiliar words in their day to day reading.

New York City, NY (PRWEB) September 15, 2012

A study by Dr. Jocelyn Folk, associate professor at Kent State University, has shown that when skilled readers encounter new words within a text, they are able to come away with reasonable definitions for these words. This method of expanding vocabulary is more successful in the long term when compared to intentional vocabulary acquisition. This new study builds on the findings of past studies which had already shown a strong connection between a strong vocabulary and reading comprehension. Naturally, different individuals process new words differently.

“In order to ensure optimum comprehension, students and other learners should be taught how to use context to figure out new words,” says Dr. Folk. Principals and teachers should be aware that incidental vocabulary learning is just as important as direct instruction. Schools should begin paying more attention to this new method of expanding vocabulary. The study has also shown that the ability to infer word meaning from the context could also impact comprehension in other areas of the curriculum.

redOrbit (!
Jhon Stiven Hernandez Gutierrez's curator insight, September 19, 2018 2:30 PM
The article mentions a research study in which it was found that incidental learning of vocabulary through reading can have very positive long term effects. That is that learners do not forget so easily the meaning of new word they learn.  However, it is important to know the distinction between incidental and intentional vocabulary acquisition. Incidental learning is when we encounter unknown words in a written text or audio, and we infer the meaning without giving much attention to memorizing those words. Intentional learning of lexicon, on the other hand, is about trying to increase our vocabulary by reviewing words. The article highlights that good readers are able to infer the meaning of unknown words in a text. Nevertheless, it is important to mention that in order for us to increase our vocabulary incidentally we need to encounter new words several times. And those words also need to have enough context so that learners can infer the meaning.

Heads of Unit & Heads of Department in the field of translation having Croatian as their main language

Do you have what it takes… to be a leader at the heart of Europe ?

As Croatia prepares to join the European Union, the EU is facing some of the biggest challenges in its history. At the EU institutions, we need the very best staff to help tackle complex issues affecting half a billion people and generations to come.

We need talented managers with an excellent command of Croatian and the ability to work in high-pressure, multinational environments, managing teams of 5 to 50 translators.

We are looking for 14 Heads of Unit and 8 Heads of Unit/Department to fill positions at grades AD 9 and AD 12 (middle management).!
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CONVOCATORIA: La Facultad de Traducción y Documentación acoge las pruebas de selección de traductores y redactores de actas para Naciones Unidas | Sala de Prensa

CONVOCATORIA: La Facultad de Traducción y Documentación acoge las pruebas de selección de traductores y redactores de actas para Naciones Unidas
10/09/2012 | Comunicación Universidad de Salamanca

La Facultad de Traducción y Documentación de la Universidad de Salamanca acoge nuevamente la celebración de los exámenes para reclutar traductores y redactores de actas para Naciones Unidas.

Las pruebas, a las que se presentan candidatos de todo el mundo, se celebrarán los próximos días 11 y 13 de septiembre en el Aula 2.

Esta actividad es fruto del marco de colaboración suscrito entre la Facultad de la Usal y la ONU, que quedó plasmada formalmente con la firma del “Memorando de Entendimiento con Naciones Unidas (MoU) en febrero de 2009. La institución académica salmantina es la única universidad de habla hispana que forma parte de esta red, junto con la argentina de Córdoba.

Día: 11/09/2012: De 8 h. a 15 h.!
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Your Trained Interpreter

Industry leaders in providing trained and qualified interpreters and translators for more than 20 years...

Our professional development programs are the industry’s preferred checklist

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View Interpreter profile: Voula Tomaras
View Interpreter profile: Lensa Dinka

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We deliver workshops at your venue that focus on your key messages for our interpreters who regularly provide services to your clients / patients or customers.
We train experienced interpreters and translators in a range of professional development topics.

We're making Interpreting and Translation Graduates work-ready
All Graduates has also formalised its 20-year relationship with Australia's largest university, RMIT to deliver training to ensure interpreting and translating graduates are 'work-ready'.!
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Arctic College Interpreter Translator Program to offer Medical Modules

The Nunavut Arctic College Interpreter Translator Program will be offering Medical Modules 1, 2, 3 from September 24-November 2nd, 2012. Interpreter Translators and Community Health Representatives are welcomed to join the program.

The following courses will be offered:

Module 1& 2 037-141 Medical Interpreting: Anatomy & Physiology Sept 24, 2012 - Oct 19, 2012

Module 3 037-251 Medical Interpreting: Diseases and Ailments will run from Oct 22, 2012 - Nov 2, 2012

Costs Associated With This Course

Course Fee: $375.00/course
Monthly Residence Rate without meals: $134.00
Monthly Residence Rate with meals: $535.00
To register please contact:

Katauga Saila
Instructor Interpreter Translator Program
Phone: (867) 979-7294
Fax: (867) 979-7101!
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