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Curated by Robin Good
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Rescooped by Robin Good from SOCIAL MEDIA, what we think about!
April 23, 2013 3:38 AM!

Social Sharing Tools That Integrate FB, Twitter, LinkedIN and Google+

Social Sharing Tools That Integrate FB, Twitter, LinkedIN and Google+ | Internet Marketing Strategy 2.0 |

Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn can be found in the majority of social media management apps. It is with Google+ that things get a little bit more complicated: very few social media tools support it due to some technical challenges.


However, most social media managers would prefer a solution that would allow them posting to all social networks in one place, Google+ including.


In this post, you’ll find reference to all tools that are to date integrated with Google+.

We’ll bring small business editions to a special focus and review social tools that (1) support Google+ and (2) the ones you can use for free or under $10 a month.

Via Martin Gysler
Robin Good's insight:

If you are looking for tools that allow you to easily share any news, image or video on all of your social media channels, including Google+, this is a useful and updated resource to reference.

Julian Magnone's comment, April 26, 2013 3:26 PM
Thank you Wendy for the feedback. It worth to try it.

Regarding separated browser windows opened, that worked very well for me using Chrome with different user's profiles (you can also use the incognito but only allows you an additional session). If you create a different user/profile (look at the avatar on the top left corner), you can then log with many different accounts (sessions) in different Chrome tabs.
Michlin Metals, Inc's curator insight, April 27, 2013 2:42 PM

SMB Tactics for Smart Social Media Usage

Rescooped by Robin Good from GooglePlus Expertise
May 30, 2012 12:53 PM!

The Beginners Guide To Google+ | GPlusTuts

The Beginners Guide To Google+ | GPlusTuts | Internet Marketing Strategy 2.0 |

Robin Good: If you have not yet dived into the Google+ universe, here is a curated set of welll-written guides and illustrated tutorials to learn all of the basics.


Good stuff.


Recommended. 8/10


Guide Index: ;

More useful stuff:  ;

Via Jaana Nyström
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Scooped by Robin Good
February 18, 2012 1:39 PM!

How To Leverage The Google Plus Box: Key Ranking Factors Report

How To Leverage The Google Plus Box: Key Ranking Factors Report | Internet Marketing Strategy 2.0 |

From the article intro: "Google Search Plus Your World builds traffic a bunch of ways.

The best (so far) is the ‘Plus Box’: The Google Plus Box.


Question is, how does Google decide which pages and profiles get that coveted spot?

Also, how does Google decide which search queries get the plus box, and which ones don’t?

Key takeaways:

The top factors for plus box placement appear to be, from most to least important:

  • Reach
  • Circle membership
  • Freshness
  • Post frequency (if your posts are good)
  • Average plus ones per post
  • Re-shares and replies (comments) per pos
  • And, Google’s far more likely to show a plus box for broad concepts with low commercial intent, versus niche terms with high commercial intent

Here’s what I recommend you do, if you want your best shot at an organic placement for your plus profile:

  • Circle influential people with big circle membership.
  • Comment on and re-share their stuff.
  • Post frequently. At least a few times a day. 
  • Try to gain relevance for the non-commodity term that fits your industry. “Design”, not “Designer”. “Fashion”, not “Jeans”."

If you want to check out an in-depth report, that leveraged also the contribution of other 40 SEO experts, provides lost of detailed info and stats, I do suggest you take a dive into this interesting report from Ian Lurie.

Very informative. 9/10 

Full report: 

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Rescooped by Robin Good from SEO and Social Media Marketing
January 30, 2012 3:45 PM!

SEO: 6 Key Things To Do To Leverage The Merging of Google+ Data into the SERPs

SEO: 6 Key Things To Do To Leverage The Merging of Google+ Data into the SERPs | Internet Marketing Strategy 2.0 |

Here six key things you should keep in mind if you want to do SEO optimization that leverages to the max the recent merging of Google+ results into the SERPs: 

1) It will be more important than ever to be positively connected to people and influencers within the industries you represent.

2) Treat your Google profile like your own site. Assume that your actions always influence your GPA.

3) Treat +1s like links. Meaning, don’t +1 things that are spammy, because it may adversely affect your GPA.

4) When other sites publish your guest posts, make sure they not only link to your site, but also link to your G+ profile using rel=”author”.

5) Try to have your own content +1′d and shared by as many people as possible.

6) Strive to get links on a profile with an assumed high GPA. 


Read more:

Via Antonino Militello
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Scooped by Robin Good
January 24, 2012 1:41 PM!

Google+ Brand Page Verification: How To Do It

Google+ Brand Page Verification: How To Do It | Internet Marketing Strategy 2.0 |

From the article intro: "Anyone building a brand or business page on Google+ quickly comes to a rather unsettling realization: at no point in the process does Google do anything to check that you have any real connection to the brand name on your page.


Google has provided a way for you to verify your page to Google.

As a verified page, you should get preference in Google and Google+ search results, and you’ll also qualify for Direct Connect when it rolls out more broadly. (Direct Connect allows searchers on Google to go straight to your Google+ brand page by entering a “+” in front of your brand name. It is currently available only to a select few brands.)

If you use the fullest version of the badge, it even displays friends of the visitor who have +1ed you, a +1 button, and an “Add to Circles” button. The +1 button will display your aggregated number of +1s from your home page, your Google+ Page, and any AdWords ads you’ve linked to +1."

Recommended. 8/10

Here's how to how to verify your Google+ Page: 

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Rescooped by Robin Good from Curation, Social Business and Beyond
January 17, 2012 12:38 PM!

Engagement Publishing is the New Content Marketing - Here's Why - John Battelle

Engagement Publishing is the New Content Marketing - Here's Why - John Battelle | Internet Marketing Strategy 2.0 |

I selected this piece today because it is timely and relevant, social media is part of the equation but the focus should be on social business, which is the bigger picture. It's important to package your content and repurpose it to fit the social network(s) where your audience resides. This interview talks about   


In this interview with McKinsey and Compay, John Battelle, founder & chairman of Federated Media Publishing says.....


**Marketers need to shift their mindset from being a publisher to engaging an audience.


To paraphrase:


Marketers are starting to see an ecosystem of paid, owned and earned media that they're very interested in feeding through social interactions and content marketing.


Here's what caught my attention:


Marketers have always created content, print and radio ads, 30-second spots, display banners


****But they never have really seen these elements as an integrated corpus of content living in a digitally driven ecosystem


**Marketers need to become engagement publishers


**"Increasingly, [marketers] are realizing that this social media space involves an ongoing conversation. Assets never really go away."


**Building conversation “inventory” at scale


I agree that all brands probably should be on Facebook, but what you really need is an integrated strategy that has – at its root – the brand's own domain, independent from any platform other than the Internet itself.


Measuring the success of conversational engagement


These things are very hard to directly measure from a simple click. And often, as we know, the people who click are not the people you want as customers anyway.


**So you need a bridge to that kind of insight that gives a media buyer the justification to say that this new technology is worth the investment.


**Marketers have been very interested in understanding how their content is amplified in the past few years


**Now there is technology that allows us to automatically collect and present this data (More in detail in interview)


**The best companies create communities of interest that are independent:


**they are rooted in the independent Web, with expressions on Facebook, or as an iPhone or Android app – those all become instances of their brand.


** Companies should create a circulatory system through which they can promote different aspects of their messaging and interactions with their community.


**If you're going to be a brand with a publishing approach to marketing, you must have an independent taproot that isn’t controlled by anyone but you. 


Put out your branches and feelers everywhere. Integrate that experience and let your content and messaging flow through it.


Curated by Jan Gordon covering "Content Curation, Social Business and Beyond"


Read full interview here: []

Via janlgordon
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Scooped by Robin Good
August 24, 2012 2:43 AM!

How the New Google+ Events Can Help Your Business

How the New Google+ Events Can Help Your Business | Internet Marketing Strategy 2.0 |

Robin Good: Up until today most businesses have been using Facebook Events and other event marketing platforms to promote anything live, from their own workshops to conferences and live webinars.

Now, Google+ has a competing event marketing and promotion service which provides a valid alternative.

Key features include:

Full integration with Google Calendar—users can view and respond to your events on Google Calendar.

Real-time Event Photo Stream—all attendees can contribute directly to one shared photo collection.

Mobile Integration—Party Mode allows guests to snap and share photos in real time from their phones.

Easy Email Reminders—automated reminders are sent out to your confirmed guest list, along with an update that the event is starting.

Events On Air—allows your event to go public. Anyone can find the event page of a public event, view and upload photos, share the event with friends and make comments.

Hangout Integration—easily schedule and host virtual meetings and events that can be accessed via a laptop or smartphone by up to 10 guests.

Event Analytics—gain insight into offsite activities that involve your Google+ Event via Google’s Social Reporting Tool.

If you want to find out rapidly how to use Google+ Events and to what elements to pay particular attention this article is for you.

Useful. Informative. 7/10

Find out everything about it:

Beth Kanter's comment, August 24, 2012 11:14 AM
One annoying feature, or maybe I can't find the place in my settings, but I get random invites from random people to events and it automatically gets on my google calendar and creates clutter. I wish I could flip a switch that says not to add the event to my calendar.
Robin Good's comment, August 25, 2012 3:05 AM
Beth, thanks for sharing the issues you have encountered. I don't see that switch yet either.
Rescooped by Robin Good from BUSINESS and more
April 10, 2012 1:39 AM!

Creating and Optimizing Google+ Brand Pages: The Complete Guide

Creating and Optimizing Google+ Brand Pages: The Complete Guide | Internet Marketing Strategy 2.0 |

A tactical guide for Google Plus covering page creation, daily management, and key optimizations with other Google products... You can start right now with your Google+ [note mg]


Taking full advantage of the SEO and PPC benefits associated with a strong Google Plus presence requires creating a complete Google Plus Brand Page. The following post serves as a tactical guide for Google Plus covering page creation, daily management, and key optimizations with other Google products.


For more detail on the SEO benefits of Google+ for individual user accounts, check out AJ Kohn’s amazing and comprehensive post.


Read more:

Via Martin Gysler
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Scooped by Robin Good
February 9, 2012 12:41 PM!

How to Create an Effective Google+ SEO Content Strategy

How to Create an Effective Google+ SEO Content Strategy | Internet Marketing Strategy 2.0 |

Robin Good: If you have decided to move on to Google+ ground and start doing something serious about it, I wouldn't hesitate one second in recommending this truly thorough guide on setting up an effective marketing strategy via Google+.

Neil Patel at Search Engine Journal covers it all. From how to optimize your Google+ Profile and Circles to how to format your Google+ post and headlines, he does a thorough job of summarizing and explaining clearly what you need to do to make Google+ work for you.

Very useful. 9/10

Full article:  

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Scooped by Robin Good
January 26, 2012 3:28 AM!

Key Steps in Setting Up Your Google+ Business Page

Key Steps in Setting Up Your Google+ Business Page | Internet Marketing Strategy 2.0 |

Robin Good: If you are seriously considering to jump on the Google+ bus and to do all that is needed to leverage the new social network and the unique benefits it may have on your SEO, check the advice provided in this article.

"Google+ Business Pages offer unprecedented search ranking advantages, so make optimizing your profile for both regular Google search and G+’s internal search your first priority.

Next you’ll want to make sure your profile “sells the follow.” Does it capture attention and say, “You’ll want me in your circles!” in those few seconds when someone takes their first look?"

Then, these that follow need to be your key stratgic steps:

1. Optimize Your Page for SEO

2. Upgrade Your Page’s Visual Appeal

3. Fill Your Post Stream with Quality Content

4. Begin to Attract Followers

5. Engage!


Here all the details on how to do it: 

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Scooped by Robin Good
January 22, 2012 9:00 AM!

The Complete Google+ SEO Guide

The Complete Google+ SEO Guide | Internet Marketing Strategy 2.0 |

Robin Good: Here is a truly comprehensive Google+ SEO guide which covers every aspect of Google+ and how it impacts your visibility inside search results.

Key sections in this guide include:

  • Google+ Search Facets
  • Google+ Search Results
  • Google+ People and Pages Results
  • Google+ Search Spam
  • Search+
  • People and Pages
  • Google+ Posts
  • Google +1 Button
  • Google+ Social Snippets
  • Google+ Content
  • Google+ Formatting
  • Google+ Brand Pages
  • Google+ Authorship
  • Google+ Influence
  • Circle Count

Three key takeaways:

1) Google+ search results are personalized but through some crowdsourcing I’ve been able to determine the search signals.

The most important signal is whether the query term appears in the Introduction, Employment, Education or Places lived section of your profile. Danny Sullivan rarely shows up in a search for SEO because he doesn’t have the term in any of those fields.

2) People and Pages are defined, curated lists of people by topic. That means there’s nothing you can really do to optimize for these slots.

3) Panda separated low-quality and high-quality sites. AuthorRank would do the same for people and their associated content. As the tidal wave of digital content roars in Google’s ears finding ways to sort the good from the bad quickly will be of increasing importance. Content without Authorship could become a second-class citizen.

It is indeed a must-read. 9/10

Full guide:  

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Scooped by Robin Good
January 5, 2012 6:20 AM!

Google+ for SEO: 5 Effective Tactics To Leverage Google+ To Gain Extra Visibility In The SERPs

Google+ for SEO: 5 Effective Tactics To Leverage Google+ To Gain Extra Visibility In The SERPs | Internet Marketing Strategy 2.0 |

Robin Good: If you are exploring the idea of investing more resources and time to leverage Google+ potential to help you gain extra visibility inside search engine result pages, Kristi Hines has some really good advice and resources for you.

In this excellent article she provides 5 key tactics that you can put to use right now to improve your SEO visibility by leveraging Google+ to the max.

Here the 5 key tactics recommended:

#1: Get More Followers

#2: Set Up Authorship With Your Personal Profile

#3: Directly Connect Your Page

#4: Encourage +1′s

#5: Fill Out Your Information on your G+ page


But the value is all in the specific advice, steps and examples she provides.

Must read. 9/10.

Read the full article here: 

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