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Richard Stadler's curator insight,
August 23, 2013 3:51 AM
Another innovative way to reach your market...
Susan Velez's comment,
September 28, 2013 10:48 AM
I've seen several people using these bars...I guess I can see why. Thanks
Almudena Cano's curator insight,
July 23, 2013 4:06 AM
Útil y visual guía para desarrollar una perfecta historia para nuestra marca. Creada por la Content Marketing Association.
Mayer Becker's curator insight,
July 30, 2013 4:06 PM
Marketing Ops is called on to develop strategic and tactical plans on behalf of the marketing department. Being able to tell a story is vitally important to this process. Here is a good infographic about building the "story."
Verónica Sánchez's curator insight,
August 2, 2013 8:05 PM
Tenemos muchas historias que contar y lograr que quien las escuche realmente se conecte, no sólo depende del contenido de la historia, sino de la forma cómo la cuentas, aquí algunos pasos del storytelling
sophiedesc's curator insight,
July 7, 2013 7:35 AM
"Site Explorer lets you: -See your strongest links at a glance – with Crawl dates, Flow Metrics and anchor text. -Lets you see New Links and Lost links in easy to drill down charts with data being updated all the time. -Have an easy way to see a list of your referring domains -A geographical and visual map of where in the world your top 1000 referring domains are hosted -A clear break down of your anchor text with EASY drill down to see the exact links you have for any given anchor text."
Paola Caballer's curator insight,
June 17, 2013 5:41 PM
Escribir pensando en el SEO. Esto es lo que propone este artículo que a más de uno nos da respuestas a la pregunta ¿Por qué ya no tengo tantas visitas en el blog?
- Elegir una frase CLAVE en el post, que incluyamos al menos 3 o 4 veces a lo largo del mismo. - Escribirlas con las mismas palabras, en el mismo orden. - Escribir en una extensión de 300 palabras aprox. - Colocar las palabras -etiquetas en: - El título del post - La dirección URL - Los títulos y subtítulos de los párrafos - Los links - Por supuesto, el cuerpo general del texto, de arriba a abajo.
Ni que decir tiene, que hay poner cuidado en el contenido de calidad, que al final, si no es bueno, nadie lo lee, ni pulsa los links que contiene, y lo más importante: no lo comparten, porque no llegan al final del mismo, donde, seguramente, tengas los iconos para compartir. Menciona a gente guay, con links a su Fb, Twitter... Seguro que a ellos también les gusta salir en tu post, y te ayudarán con la difusión.
A este respecto: no te olvides de las Redes Sociales, que son fundamentales para conseguir mayor viralidad.
Siempre está bien recordar estos tips de cuando en vez ;)
Julian Magnone's comment,
April 26, 2013 3:26 PM
Thank you Wendy for the feedback. It worth to try it.
Regarding separated browser windows opened, that worked very well for me using Chrome with different user's profiles (you can also use the incognito but only allows you an additional session). If you create a different user/profile (look at the avatar on the top left corner), you can then log with many different accounts (sessions) in different Chrome tabs.
Michlin Metals, Inc's curator insight,
April 27, 2013 2:42 PM
SMB Tactics for Smart Social Media Usage
AndySernovitz's curator insight,
May 9, 2013 9:03 AM
Here is a super awesome infographic and the play-by-play breakdown of each step in the process. ➨ Read Social Media Content Curation & Marketing Strategies articles here
medienfundgrube's comment,
July 12, 2013 2:34 AM seems to be quite interesting, too. Kind of quotes community.
Kate Williams's curator insight,
October 28, 2013 7:01 AM
November's focus for Soical Biz is IMAGES (following the focus on Pinterest in October). There are some really helpful free tools available to help any entrepreneur, image-challenged or not, make an impact at image hungry social sites e.g. Pinterest, Facebook and Google+. There's no doubt images draw attention and drive visibility and traffic.
Maria Eva Blaiotta's curator insight,
March 24, 2014 10:24 PM
Free tools which will help you create your own images with quotes. |
malek's curator insight,
September 8, 2013 7:15 AM
Optimize Press or not? The basic top table allude to OP, but don't make your mind until you read the whole post. A joy to go through
Kate Rieger's curator insight,
September 11, 2013 9:59 AM
Excellent round-up of review of several different landing page builders. Haven't used Optimize Press, but not inclinded as I don't need a confusing or complicated backend. I'll stick with Instabuilder.
Robin Good's comment,
July 19, 2013 3:57 PM
Yes Charise, the latest MOZ data on Google ranking factors seems to largely support what you say: excerpted from:
Celebritize You's comment,
July 1, 2013 10:14 PM
Many of my clients are still thinking old SEO. Ugggh.
Caroline Price's comment,
July 16, 2013 5:59 AM
yes...some people are worthy of respect; others less so...
Lynn O'Connell for O'Connell Meier's curator insight,
September 14, 2013 12:41 AM
From May 2013, so some things may have changed...
Joe Wise's curator insight,
May 13, 2013 9:15 PM
Need an SEO guru to verify or dismantle this argument... anyone?
giusy.barbato's curator insight,
April 27, 2013 10:43 AM
Un esempio concreto di come creare contenuto utile per un bisogno del tuo cliente
Samuel Pustea's comment,
May 26, 2013 7:57 AM
Oh, yes ManageFlitter is included in the list! I love that tool, I am even paying for the pro version. It's that good. All the other tools are great! Shared to Pinterest, G+, and Stumbleupon.
Mott Marvin Kornicki's curator insight,
May 26, 2013 10:01 AM
Twitter Tools are great to sort, organize and improve our twitter presence!
Dillon Thomas's curator insight,
June 7, 2013 12:55 AM
Managing Twitter make it an effective tool, creating groups . understand who is following you who you should follow... All things Twitter
Victoria Garcia, EAI Marketing Director's curator insight,
April 16, 2013 10:45 PM
The more I read the more overwhelmed I get...but this clears a lot of it up. If you can just hold these ideas in your head, it will take you a long way. - Vic
Gail Worthington-Eyre's curator insight,
April 22, 2013 10:00 PM
Conversation with the consumer is the key and framing your content to deliver good conversation is vital to social marketing success. |
Peep Laja, a conversion optimization expert at Markitekt, has an excellent illustrated guide at ConversionXL guiding you through over 20 of the most common mistakes made when designing landing pages.
For each issue Peep provides a real-world example with a screenshot and relevant commentary at what you should pay attention to.
Instructive. Good curation. 8/10
Full guide: