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Deborah Fillman's curator insight,
October 21, 2014 2:26 PM
Have you done anything interesting lately? Don't get hung up on what "interesting" means--remember, Larry David and Jerry Seinfeld created an entire series around seeing the "interesting" and amusing in the mundane things we do everyday. Few of us have the freedom (or money) to travel the globe doing interestingly mundane things, but we DO things every day that are more interesting than we might think!
WebMarketingStore's comment,
June 1, 2014 9:35 AM
Good one, Robin. We shall learn this, hard as it may be...
Robin Good's comment,
June 1, 2014 1:51 PM
Not hard WebMarketingStore. Just an issue of marketing integrity, nothing technically difficult.
Andrea Baldo's curator insight,
July 19, 2014 8:47 AM
Enjoywebacademy digital marketing social media self publishing e-learning
aelena's comment,
February 19, 2014 6:05 PM
better then, translate them yourself and get a basic grasp of other languages :D
Alex's curator insight,
August 11, 2016 4:11 AM
The Worst Idea Ever in my opinion, communicating with native speakers is not about translating (oftenly wrong) it is about understanding the "untold" about using colloquialisms about reading between the lines and understanding the culture.
Remember only 20% of our communication is done verbally, 80% is non-verbal or indirect. If you want to communicate, use natives!
Thorsten Strauss's curator insight,
July 12, 2014 6:25 AM
Best practice: onboarding. Best overview I have seen so far. Really good.
Brad Tollefson's curator insight,
December 1, 2013 5:33 PM
So are Content Marketing and Content Strategy the same? No, but they are clearly related, so a better question to ask might be: are these two practices compatible with each other? Definitely!...
Alessandro Rea's curator insight,
October 17, 2013 5:06 AM
An easy-to-follow framework that will help you not only unpack andunderstand any consumer trend, but also help you apply it to launchsuccessful consumer-facing innovations of your own.
How & when to use the CONSUMER TREND CANVAS:Download your blank Consumer Trend CanvasTake the trend that you are interested in exploring further (either from us, or elsewhere!).As you analyze the trend, fill out the left hand side of the canvas (‘Understand’) with insights, data and examples. Then use the ‘Apply’ section on the right hand side to capture your ideas.Keep on circling back to re-examine how the segments relate to each other. Insights in one segment may highlight other elements of the trend and help you uncover truly novel concepts.Also, try using it to structure an innovation session with your team or a client. Then enjoy that ‘a-ha!’ moment as people both understand what a trend is all about, and how to make the most of it ;)
Read More:
Elías Manuel Sánchez Castañeda's curator insight,
November 17, 2013 2:44 PM
A significant percentage of working-age Mexicans (PEA: economically active population) have no chance of finding a job as an employee, so it needs to develop the ability to use tools for self-employed or start a business. A useful tool is the Business Model Canvas, which allows a review sheet nine key concepts that has any business, and develop knowledge and actions that increase the likelihood that the company move forward. Un porcentaje importante de los mexicanos en edad de trabajar (PEA: Población Económicamente Activa) no tendrá oportunidad de encontrar un trabajo como empleado, por lo que necesita desarrollar la habilidad de utilizar herramientas para auto-emplearse o para iniciar un negocio propio. Una herramienta útil es el Model Business Canvas, que nos permite en una hoja repasar nueve conceptos clave que tiene cualquier negocio, y desarrollar conocimientos y acciones que incrementan la probabilidad de que la empresa siga adelante.
Birgitta Edberg's curator insight,
March 29, 2015 3:53 PM
Buiness Model Canvas and Customer Trend Canvas. Visualization make the Thinking Process Easier.
Pavlos Nomikos's curator insight,
October 6, 2013 12:44 PM
"Morale of the story: Whether or not you think SEO is good or bad and whether you think it is going to die or not, one thing stands certain for the near future: SEO specialists will have a much harder time proving that what they do actually works. Period."
David Bennett's curator insight,
October 11, 2013 6:34 AM
Quote from Danny Sullivan of Search Engine Land: " Publishers allow search engines to index their content, which is used by the search engines as the core content they can put lucrative ads around. In return, search engines have provided traffic to publishers and data on how those publishers are found. That latter part of the ‘deal’ was unilaterally pulled by Google.”""
Deb Nystrom, REVELN's curator insight,
October 16, 2013 9:40 PM
Robin Good's insight with this ScoopIt is plenty. It's a big deal about SEO being worthwhile, a real game changer as of Sept. 25th. ~ Deb
Susan Velez's curator insight,
October 5, 2013 12:50 PM
Awesome video and I know that story telling can be very powerful. I guess it's time to start reading more stories so I can get better at telling stories.
Katherine Anne's curator insight,
October 7, 2013 5:48 PM
I think this video is very accurate. Today, we are bombarded by information about what we should buy, what we should do, etc. How much of this information do we actually retain? Barley nothing! For something to be retained, it has to be rememberable; what's rememberable? STORIES! The video explains stories are rememberable because they are meaningful. The Internet can so easily simplify information to market products, which ends up having so much information about so many different products all the time. If we take the time to explain a story behind a product when marketing it, I think it will be more profitable. STORIES are the new successful marketing strategy in this world filled with noise and information.
Alex McCardell's curator insight,
September 19, 2013 5:48 AM
Good content is not just a trend. Communicate effectively for your users/customers = optimised SEO
Alexandra Salzedo's curator insight,
September 22, 2013 10:17 AM
Without valuable content the brand risks losing valuable interactions with their community
Jeff Domansky's curator insight,
October 3, 2013 4:02 PM
Valuable insight into generation Z. and how they process information. |
HJJP's curator insight,
March 23, 2016 10:16 AM
Little Pork Chop is a supersimple web app which allows you to post to Twitter longer messages than the typical 140 characters, by intelligently splitting your communication into multiple, numbered tweets. To use it, you simply go the Little Porkchop page, type in or paste your message without worrying about length, and, instantly, the app previews for you how it would split into multiple tweets. You make your adjustments and you are set to tweet. 2) the option to send tweets in reverse chronological order so that they will show up in the Twitter stream in the order you wrote them. Very useful. Easy. Immediate. 9/10 Little Pork Chop is the work of love of Dave Winer. Free to use. Try it out now: More info:
Deborah Fillman's curator insight,
January 2, 2017 6:18 AM
Little Pork Chop is a supersimple web app which allows you to post to Twitter longer messages than the typical 140 characters, by intelligently splitting your communication into multiple, numbered tweets. To use it, you simply go the Little Porkchop page, type in or paste your message without worrying about length, and, instantly, the app previews for you how it would split into multiple tweets. You make your adjustments and you are set to tweet. 2) the option to send tweets in reverse chronological order so that they will show up in the Twitter stream in the order you wrote them. Very useful. Easy. Immediate. 9/10 Little Pork Chop is the work of love of Dave Winer. Free to use. Try it out now: More info:
Janice Mobsby's curator insight,
February 17, 2014 5:29 PM
I love "Story Telling"... Most of the time my articles are written in story line..It's fun to write & fun to read...Always make sure there is a point to your story..That's the idea..
Thanks for sharing..:)
Valerie Demont's curator insight,
February 5, 2014 2:00 AM
Testé : 2 analyses gratuites de vos landing pages. Ensuite, les price plan ne sont pas donnés.
Tom Hood's curator insight,
February 2, 2014 8:42 AM
As Dan Pink says, we are all in sales now. Whether we are selling our ideas, our brands, or real products and services, we are all in sales.
This is a great article about what 'selling' should be. Robin Good's insights combined with this excellent article resonated with me. I think we all need to think about sales in a new light, one that truly focuses on the relationships, trust, and helping others succeed in this crazy and exciting world we live in.
Maurizio Barracco's curator insight,
December 9, 2013 4:53 AM
Non sempre i sogni possono realizzarsi ma un modo per renderli simili alla realtà esiste sempre basta volerlo con tutto se stessi
Moses B. Tambason's curator insight,
November 9, 2013 2:43 PM
More people are running to charity tube to post free videos and watch free videos than posting on you tube. Try posting at charity tube and you will never leave. More visitors and more video views. Don't take our word for it, try it. Post one same video on youtube and put it on and return ater five hours and compare the viewers rate and decide for yourself. Create your very own group or forum and control who watch it and invite everyone to watch the video. Above all, post video in English or in any language and viewers can watch video description in their own language. Try it and let us know your experience. Above all it is absolutely free like youtube
jmwakasege's comment,
October 2, 2013 12:00 AM
Content marketer should brace themselves, this might be just a warm up from Google.
Roger Ellman's curator insight,
September 26, 2013 5:59 AM
I include this is the ServingExperience collection because a company that exists, follows and thrives upon the ServingExperience way will have a story, and stories that are sincere and true (essential for them to work for a company) and these will also (need to) be truly embraced from CEO to kitchen towel supply supervisor - then and only then does story, brand and reputation float on the high seas of the marketplace.
FredGodefroy's curator insight,
September 28, 2013 10:07 AM
Toutes les bases d'une bonne histoire résumé en quelques mots. J'adore !
Olivia Grey's comment,
September 21, 2013 7:54 AM
This post explains very well the need of content plan and how numbering the content can be a help .
Beth Kanter's curator insight,
September 12, 2013 12:45 PM
For nonprofits, this could be useful for doing some benchmarking
Maxim Holding's curator insight,
September 30, 2013 6:11 AM
Find out your how your competitors are doing and compare your social media network. |
An easy-to-follow framework that will help you not only unpack andunderstand any consumer trend, but also help you apply it to launchsuccessful consumer-facing innovations of your own.
Read More:
A significant percentage of working-age Mexicans (PEA: economically active population) have no chance of finding a job as an employee, so it needs to develop the ability to use tools for self-employed or start a business. A useful tool is the Business Model Canvas, which allows a review sheet nine key concepts that has any business, and develop knowledge and actions that increase the likelihood that the company move forward.
Un porcentaje importante de los mexicanos en edad de trabajar (PEA: Población Económicamente Activa) no tendrá oportunidad de encontrar un trabajo como empleado, por lo que necesita desarrollar la habilidad de utilizar herramientas para auto-emplearse o para iniciar un negocio propio. Una herramienta útil es el Model Business Canvas, que nos permite en una hoja repasar nueve conceptos clave que tiene cualquier negocio, y desarrollar conocimientos y acciones que incrementan la probabilidad de que la empresa siga adelante.
Buiness Model Canvas and Customer Trend Canvas. Visualization make the Thinking Process Easier.